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Old 01-20-2016, 03:28 PM  
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Star Wars Episode VIII SPOILERS thread

For all things Episode VIII related info including spoilers.

The release date is now December 15, 2017.

The Official Synopsis from Star Wars.com

“In Lucasfilm’s Star Wars: The Last Jedi, the Skywalker saga continues as the heroes of The Force Awakens join the galactic legends in an epic adventure that unlocks age-old mysteries of the Force and shocking revelations of the past.

Star Wars: The Last Jedi opens in U.S. theaters on December 15, 2017.”

New footage in Japanese Trailer

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Old 12-17-2017, 02:58 PM   #1996
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Originally Posted by oaklandhater View Post
And at this point with the fan blacklash over this Choice I would JJ is more than likely going to make Rey Related to some one in the next star wars.

Just for fan appeasement.
I hope not.

The idea that anyone can be a Jedi is what made A New Hope so magical.
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Old 12-17-2017, 03:05 PM   #1997
Sassy Squatch Sassy Squatch is offline
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Why anyone is bitching about Snokes lack of backstory is beyond me. How many antagonists actually get fleshed out backstories in these movies? Emperor? None till prequels. Vader? Prequels were made to show his backstory. Maul? . Dooku? . Grievous? GTFO. Kylo is the big bad of this trilogy, and he's getting the most backstory by far in the trilogy he's featured in.
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Old 12-17-2017, 03:05 PM   #1998
FlintHillsChiefs FlintHillsChiefs is offline

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Originally Posted by oaklandhater View Post
And at this point with the fan blacklash over this Choice I would JJ is more than likely going to make Rey Related to some one in the next star wars.

Just for fan appeasement.
This is just a small problem in the midst of several issues with TFA.

1) Who trained Rey? Luke spent several months training with Yoda, and we're supposed to believe Rey can do what she can do without any training, aside from two "lessons" from Luke? The only way the Rey story makes any sort of sense if she had training as a child, but got her memory force wiped.

2) Luke's death is a huge disservice. Yes, the force projection was cool, but are we really expected to be okay with the most powerful light-side force user of all time having a 2 minute "fight" with Kylo, and that's it?! Not to mention, Luke giving up on Kylo goes his entire characterization in the orginal trilogy. He didn't give up on his father, who massacred thousands of Jedi and destroyed entire planets. He's going to give up on his nephew? Okaaaay.

3) Hyperspace-kamikaze is now a thing. WHY IN THE FORCE hasn't it been used before?! The whole battle of the Forest Moon of Endor is now worthless, not to mention the ENTIRE plot of ANH.

4) The way balance in the force was used in TLJ doesn't sit right with me. The force bringing balance is reactionary. This whole Rey = light sided Kylo and vice versa introduces huge meta-philosophical issues with the Star Wars universe, namely predestination and lack of free will.
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Old 12-17-2017, 03:06 PM   #1999
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Originally Posted by RunKC View Post
And this is the problem..
It's not a problem. This isn't the prequels again, where shitty movies make gobs of money and keep getting made.

This is a talented young filmmaker who has already shown an incredible ability to play in a huge, established sandbox and give us something fresh, new and incredibly entertaining.

PLENTY of fans love what Rian did.
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Old 12-17-2017, 03:13 PM   #2000
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Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud View Post
I hope not.

The idea that anyone can be a Jedi is what made A New Hope so magical.
Well wit how badass and skilled they made Rey with no Background what so ever.

I fully except Oprah to show up in Rian's new trilogy handing out Lightsabers like candy since Training is no longer needed in the Star wars universe.
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Old 12-17-2017, 03:14 PM   #2001
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Originally Posted by Hammock Parties View Post
It's not a problem. This isn't the prequels again, where shitty movies make gobs of money and keep getting made.

This is a talented young filmmaker who has already shown an incredible ability to play in a huge, established sandbox and give us something fresh, new and incredibly entertaining.

PLENTY of fans love what Rian did.
And PLENTY of fans didn't it's bullshit that Some people are trying to say only a small majority of people didn't like this movie.

I would say it split the fan base right down the middle.
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Old 12-17-2017, 03:16 PM   #2002
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Originally Posted by FlintHillsChiefs View Post
This is just a small problem in the midst of several issues with TFA.

1) Who trained Rey? Luke spent several months training with Yoda, and we're supposed to believe Rey can do what she can do without any training, aside from two "lessons" from Luke? The only way the Rey story makes any sort of sense if she had training as a child, but got her memory force wiped.

2) Luke's death is a huge disservice. Yes, the force projection was cool, but are we really expected to be okay with the most powerful light-side force user of all time having a 2 minute "fight" with Kylo, and that's it?! Not to mention, Luke giving up on Kylo goes his entire characterization in the orginal trilogy. He didn't give up on his father, who massacred thousands of Jedi and destroyed entire planets. He's going to give up on his nephew? Okaaaay.

3) Hyperspace-kamikaze is now a thing. WHY IN THE FORCE hasn't it been used before?! The whole battle of the Forest Moon of Endor is now worthless, not to mention the ENTIRE plot of ANH.

4) The way balance in the force was used in TLJ doesn't sit right with me. The force bringing balance is reactionary. This whole Rey = light sided Kylo and vice versa introduces huge meta-philosophical issues with the Star Wars universe, namely predestination and lack of free will.
My room mate pointed this out to me after the 2nd showing at the end of TFA Snoke say's now Kylo ren's True training can begin.

TLJ starts off right at the end of TFA no time skip or anything Rey nor Kylo got any training what so ever.
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Old 12-17-2017, 03:16 PM   #2003
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Originally Posted by FlintHillsChiefs View Post
This is just a small problem in the midst of several issues with TFA.

1) Who trained Rey? Luke spent several months training with Yoda, and we're supposed to believe Rey can do what she can do without any training, aside from two "lessons" from Luke? The only way the Rey story makes any sort of sense if she had training as a child, but got her memory force wiped.
She has the texts from the tree on the Falcon, she'll be ok.
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Old 12-17-2017, 03:19 PM   #2004
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Originally Posted by oaklandhater View Post
My room mate pointed this out to me after the 2nd showing at the end of TFA Snoke say's now Kylo ren's True training can begin.

TLJ starts off right at the end of TFA no time skip or anything Rey nor Kylo got any training what so ever.
Kylo did get training under Luke though. Rey, however, has had no training whatsoever. It's stupid and makes no sense.
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Old 12-17-2017, 03:21 PM   #2005
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Originally Posted by FlintHillsChiefs View Post
Kylo did get training under Luke though. Rey, however, has had no training whatsoever. It's stupid and makes no sense.
Yep Rey being a natural with the force and no blood line to explain that is my biggest gripe with TLJ.
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Old 12-17-2017, 03:28 PM   #2006
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Originally Posted by FlintHillsChiefs View Post
This is just a small problem in the midst of several issues with TFA.

1) Who trained Rey? Luke spent several months training with Yoda, and we're supposed to believe Rey can do what she can do without any training, aside from two "lessons" from Luke? The only way the Rey story makes any sort of sense if she had training as a child, but got her memory force wiped.
What can she really do? She has some rudimentary lightsaber skills that were worthless against Snoke. And she can move some rocks.

She can't really do much, so I don't get why you're complaining.

2) Luke's death is a huge disservice.
No it's not. This isn't his story. Come on.

3) Hyperspace-kamikaze is now a thing. WHY IN THE FORCE hasn't it been used before?! The whole battle of the Forest Moon of Endor is now worthless, not to mention the ENTIRE plot of ANH.
Do you not realize how ****ing HUGE the Death Stars were? It wouldn't have the same effect. Plus, the only reason it worked this time is because Hux was so distracted by taking out the transports he didn't have time to shoot down The Raddus before it was too late.

4) The way balance in the force was used in TLJ doesn't sit right with me. The force bringing balance is reactionary. This whole Rey = light sided Kylo and vice versa introduces huge meta-philosophical issues with the Star Wars universe, namely predestination and lack of free will.
You just made my brain lock up, man. Try to relax and enjoy a Star Wars movie for what it is. It's space fantasy, not hard Sci-Fi.
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Old 12-17-2017, 03:30 PM   #2007
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Originally Posted by oaklandhater View Post
And PLENTY of fans didn't it's bullshit that Some people are trying to say only a small majority of people didn't like this movie.

I would say it split the fan base right down the middle.
No it didn't. You're talking about less than 100,000 votes on rotten tomatoes as evidence for your assertion.

The vast majority of SW fans ****ing love this film. Because they're just like me. I am the target audience and Rian Johnson NAILED the target.
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Old 12-17-2017, 03:34 PM   #2008
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Originally Posted by Hammock Parties View Post
No it didn't. You're talking about less than 100,000 votes on rotten tomatoes as evidence for your assertion.

The vast majority of SW fans ****ing love this film. Because they're just like me. I am the target audience and Rian Johnson NAILED the target.
Almost any one who watched Videos and spent the last 2 years theorizing about snoke and Rey seem pretty pissed off at the movie.

A ton of Youtuber Star wars channels seem quite angry about the movie.
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Old 12-17-2017, 03:35 PM   #2009
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Originally Posted by Hammock Parties View Post
What can she really do? She has some rudimentary lightsaber skills that were worthless against Snoke. And she can move some rocks.

She can't really do much, so I don't get why you're complaining.

No it's not. This isn't his story. Come on.

Do you not realize how ****ing HUGE the Death Stars were? It wouldn't have the same effect. Plus, the only reason it worked this time is because Hux was so distracted by taking out the transports he didn't have time to shoot down The Raddus before it was too late.

You just made my brain lock up, man. Try to relax and enjoy a Star Wars movie for what it is. It's space fantasy, not hard Sci-Fi.

She beat Kylo in TFA swinging wildly and using the force she also force tricked 2 storm troopers with no training.

All of sudden in the 2nd movie is pulling off complex Lightsaber moves while swinging at rock with Zero training what so ever ?
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Old 12-17-2017, 03:37 PM   #2010
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Originally Posted by oaklandhater View Post
and Snoke dying with no backstory is a crime.
You have said this a number of times now... did we know the emperor's back story when vader threw him over the rail? Dont think so. Didnt get his back story for another 20 years. Was that also a crime?
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