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Old 07-31-2014, 09:33 PM  
Pasta Little Brioni Pasta Little Brioni is offline
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The Top 101 CP Posters of 2014 Part 2 Presented by SNR

The countdown and butt hurt continues as SNR, the unnamed listmaker, and I are on a mission to finish this thing.

Original thread (101-58).... http://chiefsplanet.com/BB/showthrea...osters+of+2014

57-34... http://chiefsplanet.com/BB/showpost....30&postcount=3

33-21... http://www.chiefsplanet.com/BB/showp...31&postcount=4

20-13... http://www.chiefsplanet.com/BB/showp...0&postcount=13

12. Dane McCloud

11. Pestilence

10. htismaqe

9. Rausch

8. Bowser

7. Simply Red

6. milkman

5. Mr. Flopnuts

4. SNR

3. 'Hamas' Jenkins

2. Rain Man

Last edited by Bearcat; 12-27-2014 at 10:05 PM..
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Old 12-28-2014, 12:09 AM   #1996
Dartgod Dartgod is offline
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The best possible outcome now would to never complete the list. Just end it now.
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Old 12-28-2014, 12:18 AM   #1997
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Originally Posted by Dartgod View Post
The best possible outcome now would to never complete the list. Just end it now.
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Old 12-28-2014, 12:23 AM   #1998
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The Top 101 CP Posters of 2014 Part 2 Presented by SNR

Originally Posted by stevieray View Post
I do believe that is the first time RM has ever typed out a cussword on CP.

"let's check with tim bone live on the scene..."

I caught him saying "****" in a game thread once. Probably after something Alex Smith did.
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Old 12-28-2014, 12:59 AM   #1999
Rain Man Rain Man is offline
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I'm calming down now. It's going to be all right.

I'm going to accept this for what it is. It's a wake up call. Maybe I've been coasting. Maybe I've been taking things for granted. But I am determined to make 2015 my best year ever. I am going to climb back to the peak, just like Brett Favre did.
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Rain Man is obviously part of the inner Circle.Rain Man is obviously part of the inner Circle.Rain Man is obviously part of the inner Circle.Rain Man is obviously part of the inner Circle.Rain Man is obviously part of the inner Circle.Rain Man is obviously part of the inner Circle.Rain Man is obviously part of the inner Circle.Rain Man is obviously part of the inner Circle.Rain Man is obviously part of the inner Circle.Rain Man is obviously part of the inner Circle.Rain Man is obviously part of the inner Circle.
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Old 12-28-2014, 01:05 AM   #2000
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Originally Posted by Rain Man View Post
Gosh, thanks everybody. I work really hard to be a good poster and I really appreciate the -



I came in second?

Some m**********r's gonnna die.
Perhaps we can fly. All of us. How will we ever know unless we leap from some tall tower? No man ever truly knows what he can do unless he dares to leap.

Originally Posted by Mavericks Ace View Post
I have completely given up on Alex Smith as a qb. Its painful to watch. Like, worse than watching Colt McCoy.
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Old 12-28-2014, 01:10 AM   #2001
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After seeing the names from 101 - 2, it is ridiculous that I'm not in there.
Therefore, I assume I'm #1. Thanks, but I don't think I deserve it. Top 101--yes (seriously, there are some lame-os in there)--but not #1. So please pick someone else. Appreciate it.

With me stepping aside, I assume that leaves #1 to the poster currently named Count Alex's Losses.
I love me some Rain Man, but Clay probably deserves it. Generally his posts are either kind of funny or make you want to punch him in the face.
He is clearly devoted to CP--just look at the sheer # of posts. He documents his days for us. He posted a pic of a toilet bowl full of his feces. That's originality and effort you don't see everyday.
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Old 12-28-2014, 01:10 AM   #2002
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Will the number 1 poster be able to make an off the cuff quip about BF Skinner? The deintellectuization of Chiefsplanet continues.
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Old 12-28-2014, 01:23 AM   #2003
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Originally Posted by Rain Man View Post


I'm calming down now. It's going to be all right.

I'm going to accept this for what it is. It's a wake up call. Maybe I've been coasting. Maybe I've been taking things for granted. But I am determined to make 2015 my best year ever. I am going to climb back to the peak, just like Brett Favre did.
I don't think you understand.

You set me on mother****ing FIRE during the B29 bomber simulations.

I didn't just get shot with shrapnel or parachute out and get captured.


Originally Posted by Reaper16 View Post
I would read an entire blog of SNR breaking down athletes' musical capabilities like draft scouting reports.
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Old 12-28-2014, 01:31 AM   #2004
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"Hey honey, how was your day?"

"Not bad, sweetie. The Chiefs Planet B-29 simulations are going very well. I even set this one dude on fire today. I totally expect that 10 or whatever years from now when they do this forum-wide ranking of the best posters that he'll put me as #1. Because you know... set a dude on fire, dude will think you're the coolest guy on the internet. It totally makes sense!"
Originally Posted by Reaper16 View Post
I would read an entire blog of SNR breaking down athletes' musical capabilities like draft scouting reports.
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Old 12-28-2014, 01:38 AM   #2005
Rain Man Rain Man is offline
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There were fire extinguishers on board. Did you check them during your pre-flight walkaround? Did you know their location and how to pull the pin?
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Old 12-28-2014, 01:41 AM   #2006
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Clay is one of a handful of people who told me that DS9 was just as good if not better than TNG after I had just gotten through all of Picard's adventures. He helped change my life for the better.

Rain Man occasionally provided some interesting observations about other customers in a coffee shop, and I read his report when I was looking to procrastinate or waste time.

Clay has over 100,000 posts. The only such individual to accomplish that feat on the entire forum.

Rain Man does not have that many posts.

Clay has never simulated a scenario where I end up dying in a fire.

Rain Man has.

You all ****ing tell me what the scoreboard says. Because I see an objective score and an objective winner. You all seem to think this is ****ing ice skating. It's not. It's ****ing not.

Clay is the #1 CP poster, and I will be writing his roast either tomorrow or the next day. Rain Man is a dickbag who once set me on ****ing fire, and he is not the #1 poster on Chiefs Planet.

Now go kill yourselves. Happy Kwanzaa, assholes.
Originally Posted by Reaper16 View Post
I would read an entire blog of SNR breaking down athletes' musical capabilities like draft scouting reports.
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Old 12-28-2014, 01:44 AM   #2007
TimBone TimBone is offline
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Who knew SNR had such an underlying hate for Rain Man. All he did was set you on fire, dude. Jeez....not a big deal if you ask me.
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Old 12-28-2014, 01:54 AM   #2008
Hammock Parties Hammock Parties is offline
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Old 12-28-2014, 01:56 AM   #2009
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Originally Posted by TimBone View Post
Who knew SNR had such an underlying hate for Rain Man. All he did was set you on fire, dude. Jeez....not a big deal if you ask me.
I've pursued this vendetta against Rain Man for more than 10 years, lying in wait for the perfect moment to wreak my revenge for the B29 simulation. I even put up with moving to that awful part of Alabama and getting ****ed over in all of his other simulations. But I couldn't ever reveal my hand.

The moment finally arrived when I volunteered to take over a few roasts for htismaqe. I knew that this was my path to emotional closure and healing.

The deed is done. I was set on fire, but I live on with the satisfaction that I denied Rain Man a very important trophy to put in his case. And it wasn't due to circumstance or nature, either. I did it. I am the one action. I am the force.

I'm Hedda Gabler. I'm Keyser Söze. I'm the ultimate cock block.
Originally Posted by Reaper16 View Post
I would read an entire blog of SNR breaking down athletes' musical capabilities like draft scouting reports.
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Old 12-28-2014, 02:00 AM   #2010
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But seriously, Rain Man's really cool. However, I explained that these rankings are all about one thing: content. And there is not one poster on this forum who generates as much content of such high quality as Clay. If you like him, you perk up every time you see something that he's written. If you hate him, he lives inside your head. Whether you cheer his victories or cheer his defeats, Clay IS Chiefs Planet.

And that is something that Rain Man is not. Let that not be an insult to him. The vendetta thing was just a joke post.

(But seriously... SET ON FIRE?)
Originally Posted by Reaper16 View Post
I would read an entire blog of SNR breaking down athletes' musical capabilities like draft scouting reports.
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