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View Poll Results: What Lever You Flippin??
Yes 16 14.16%
No 16 14.16%
I don't live in Jackson County, but would vote Yes 59 52.21%
I don't live in Jackson County, but would vote No 22 19.47%
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Old 03-28-2024, 08:28 AM  
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Stadium Watch 2024 -Jackson County Residents: How Are You Voting?

Vote in this poll if you actually live in Jackson county.

We've all shared our opinions in the other thread. But who gives a shit what somebody in Platte County or Johnson County or Phoenix or NYC thinks. We're all just noise.
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Old 06-18-2024, 12:32 PM   #1921
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Originally Posted by Lzen View Post
Sedgewick and Shawnee.

Wichita or Topeka would be horrible places for the Chiefs.
I agree, but I think the current mentality is "Over the state line, but in Kansas" and not those other counties. TBH I'd be fine with JOCO or WYCO, Kansas is hungry for businesses while Missouri doesn't appear to care, so it makes sense and everybody wins.

I'm just happy they're separating the two efforts, it makes sense IMO. The Royals in downtown makes perfect sense, but I'd be a bit wary of the Royals organization following through on their development promises based on doing none of that around the current location. I know developing downtown is different that developing on the outskirts of town, I'm not lost on that, but it's why I think if the Royals move downtown and the Chiefs get all the space the Royals occupy, it would be perfect. Plenty of parking for football tailgates, and the Royals in a downtown setting like baseball is meant to be.

But alas, Kansas is motivated and probably more than willing to give the teams anything they ask for. It's much better when the state is motivated, not just one county.

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Old 06-18-2024, 12:39 PM   #1922
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Originally Posted by Discuss Thrower View Post
Voters said they were fine with the team leaving the county.

Elections have consequences.
Oversimplification... "The voters" said they weren't going to blindly approve what was on the table, rushed to the table at that. Perhaps that was the plan, but either way that vote was more about the Royals than it was the Chiefs.

But I think there are more of us who don't really care if they stay in JACO than to allow ourselves to be rammed into a bad deal. And I'm not sure why JACO residents are getting so upset, they should still be able to go to games, only now in better venues they didn't have to fund, they just have to drive a bit further.

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Old 06-18-2024, 12:42 PM   #1923
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Originally Posted by LoneWolf View Post
Really stupid people lost fingers and toes and it was a microscopic number compared to the number of people who attended that game. You don't need to take away what football is supposed to be (a game played in the elements with wind, rain, snow, cold, and heat) to appease the few dumb ****s that don't know how to dress for extremely cold temperatures.
Seriously, you're holding onto to your outdated love of bad weather as a defense?


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Old 06-18-2024, 12:45 PM   #1924
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Originally Posted by wazu View Post
Yes let's wreck the game experience so we can host a Super Bowl once every quarter century. "End of argument" my ass. If the Packers can play without a roof in Green Bay ****ing Wisconsin we can sure as hell do it in KC.
I went to last year's game in Green Bay, outside of it being Lambeau, it sucked. As did the loss, and the officials...

No thanks, I'm voting for a dome for my Chiefs, even if it means they move to Kansas.

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Old 06-18-2024, 01:50 PM   #1925
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Old 06-18-2024, 02:06 PM   #1926
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The biggest detriment to the atmosphere will be the fact that most longtime season ticket holders will be priced out of their seats and the diehards will be replaced with a rich wine and cheese crowd.

I hope people understand that’s what will happen with a fancy new stadium.
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Old 06-18-2024, 02:08 PM   #1927
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Originally Posted by Sassy Squatch View Post
Is it even a question anymore that they sandbagged the proposal? Everything they've done and said recently indicates they want a new stadium.
What, specifically, was "wrong" with the proposal? I honestly have no idea what was wrong with it or why Jackson County didn't fight tooth and nail to keep the Chiefs.

If they somehow thought they were "entitled" to another vote/proposal, that's on them. They had the opportunity to remain the home to one of the 32 NFL franchises, and they chose otherwise. That's where we are.

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Old 06-18-2024, 02:12 PM   #1928
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Originally Posted by Pitt Gorilla View Post
What, specifically, was "wrong" with the proposal? I honestly have no idea what was wrong with it or why Jackson County didn't fight tooth and nail to keep the Chiefs.

If they somehow thought they were "entitled" to another vote/proposal, that's on them.
Most of the objection was to the Royals proposal that it was tied to. They completely changed their plan late in the game to make it not work nearly as well, plus you have a bunch of people who are opposed to the Royals being downtown. If this vote had just been for Arrowhead I think most expect it would have passed. People groaned that the vision was weak or lame, but just keeping status quo would have been more than enough for me for Arrowhead.

All that said, if I lived in JaCo I would have definitely voted yes just for the certainty of keeping both teams. Let the Royals bad stadium plan be a problem for another day.
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Old 06-18-2024, 02:31 PM   #1929
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Originally Posted by comochiefsfan View Post
The biggest detriment to the atmosphere will be the fact that most longtime season ticket holders will be priced out of their seats and the diehards will be replaced with a rich wine and cheese crowd.

I hope people understand that’s what will happen with a fancy new stadium.
Just like now the price will be set by what the market can bear. Elite sports has become quite the show in recent decades, so many fans have been being priced out of the market in recent time. When I looked into it again in 2019, the price of seats in section 124 were ridiculous compared to what I used to pay for them in 2001-2004. It's just the way it is, so we opted for occasional games instead of going back to being STHs.

It's all good, and wine, cheese, and a charcuterie board are pretty darn sweet actually.

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Old 06-18-2024, 02:34 PM   #1930
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Originally Posted by Pitt Gorilla View Post
What, specifically, was "wrong" with the proposal?
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Old 06-18-2024, 02:34 PM   #1931
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Frank White crying about truces. Boohoo.

He never did anything to contribute to stadium deals. KS is pushing ahead and hes crying about the big bad wolf. The worst politician in Missouri history.
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Old 06-18-2024, 02:34 PM   #1932
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Originally Posted by Pitt Gorilla View Post
What, specifically, was "wrong" with the proposal? I honestly have no idea what was wrong with it or why Jackson County didn't fight tooth and nail to keep the Chiefs.

If they somehow thought they were "entitled" to another vote/proposal, that's on them. They had the opportunity to remain the home to one of the 32 NFL franchises, and they chose otherwise. That's where we are.
It wasn't so much about the Chiefs as it was the Royals, sadly the Chiefs decided to ally with the Royals a ram through a very unvetted concept to get them downtown.

And what's wrong with them moving to WYCO or JOCO is the state of Kansas is so willing to pay any price the team(s) jot down on paper?

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Old 06-18-2024, 02:38 PM   #1933
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Originally Posted by wazu View Post
And they won. They then went on the road and won 2 more cold weather games. People that lost fingers need to be less stupid. I was at the game and even tailgated before with my family. We were all fine. The Dolphins stood zero chance in that weather and it was awesome.
That was horrible but I survived, and with all limbs intact.

The worst games I've been to are when it's cold and raining. Hard to keep out the rain and then you're extra cold and miserable.
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Old 06-18-2024, 02:42 PM   #1934
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Originally Posted by wazu View Post
Most of the objection was to the Royals proposal that it was tied to. They completely changed their plan late in the game to make it not work nearly as well, plus you have a bunch of people who are opposed to the Royals being downtown. If this vote had just been for Arrowhead I think most expect it would have passed. People groaned that the vision was weak or lame, but just keeping status quo would have been more than enough for me for Arrowhead.
I think this is right, but I'm one who wanted the Royals downtown. Not only because baseball is a downtown sport, but it would give the TSC room to build a new dome for the Chiefs.

All that said, if I lived in JaCo I would have definitely voted yes just for the certainty of keeping both teams. Let the Royals bad stadium plan be a problem for another day.
The tying the Royals to the Chiefs really ****ed it all up, but maybe that was done on purpose by the teams playing 5D chess to get out of JACO excuse...
I guess I just don't understand why people are so willing to be perpetually taxed to in order to claim they are from their county? They are the KC Chiefs NOT the JACO Chiefs. It's not very hard or long to drive to JOCO or WYCO to watch an event, and if the State of Kansas is going to strap themselves with perpetual debt to build a stadium that I'd prefer to attend the occasional game it, good.

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Old 06-18-2024, 02:43 PM   #1935
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Originally Posted by Lzen View Post
That was horrible but I survived, and with all limbs intact.

The worst games I've been to are when it's cold and raining. Hard to keep out the rain and then you're extra cold and miserable.
Yeah, rain sucks more than anything in my experience. One thing I really love though is a snow game. If we get a dome of any kind that will be over forever.
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