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Old 08-12-2014, 04:26 PM  
ROYC75 ROYC75 is offline
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Old 12-02-2017, 04:03 AM   #18796
Rausch Rausch is offline
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Originally Posted by Sweet Daddy Hate View Post
My favorite part is the ignorance. The youngsters as well as the deluded Donkey Crustaceans simply cannot GRASP the many years of deep and abiding suck headed their way. Potentially DECADES if dumb donkey family keeps Elway on the payroll.
And you KNOW they will!

It's glorious.
I take it you feel that KC has this "deep and abiding suck" headed our way?

Not that we're a team in transition, not that our HC is failing to adjust to the talent, and not that it's fixable with just a few tweeks with one or two starters.

I think it is, but that's just me...
"He had no teeth, and he was slobbering all over himself. I'm thinking, 'You can have your money back, just get me out of here. Let me go be an accountant." I can't tell you how badly I wanted out of there."
Denver rookie QB John Elway, on Jack Lambert, after Lambert and the Steelers knocked Elway out of his first game as a pro (1983).
Originally Posted by rico
I wish I always ended up at gay bars.
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Old 12-02-2017, 04:18 AM   #18797
19now11 19now11 is offline

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Originally Posted by RunKC View Post
Also, Paxton Lynch has got to be one of the worst QB draft picks ever, right?
right behind mahomless, mother ****er cant even beat out alex smith lol! because chefs.
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Old 12-02-2017, 04:21 AM   #18798
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am i doing this right?
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Old 12-02-2017, 04:23 AM   #18799
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im gona laugh so fkn hard when the 49ers and their new franchise qb tear up the nfl while you idiot cp mahomee jack offs wish alex was back under center. it would only be fitting if alex came back and became your guys oc... lol o man. i cant ****ing wait.
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Old 12-02-2017, 05:40 AM   #18800
Rausch Rausch is offline
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Originally Posted by 19now11 View Post
im gona laugh so fkn hard when the 49ers and their new franchise qb tear up the nfl while you idiot cp mahomee jack offs wish alex was back under center. it would only be fitting if alex came back and became your guys oc... lol o man. i cant ****ing wait.
"He had no teeth, and he was slobbering all over himself. I'm thinking, 'You can have your money back, just get me out of here. Let me go be an accountant." I can't tell you how badly I wanted out of there."
Denver rookie QB John Elway, on Jack Lambert, after Lambert and the Steelers knocked Elway out of his first game as a pro (1983).
Originally Posted by rico
I wish I always ended up at gay bars.
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Old 12-02-2017, 05:54 AM   #18801
Sweet Daddy Hate Sweet Daddy Hate is offline
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Originally Posted by Rausch View Post
I take it you feel that KCDENVER has this "deep and abiding suck" headed ourit's way?

Not that we're a team in transition, not that our HC is failing to adjust to the talent, and not that it's fixable with just a few tweeks with one or two starters.

I think it is, but that's just me..

That was too much goddamned work for 5 in the am. Don't EVER make me do that again, goddamnit.
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Old 12-02-2017, 08:22 AM   #18802
Mile High Mania Mile High Mania is offline
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Originally Posted by RunKC View Post
It's Denver didn't cheat to win SB's in the 90's then why were they punished by the league?
We've done this a few times... believe the synopsis is the violation was how the payments were made/funded, but the moves did not open up 'additional' cap space to be used on other players. I'm just not googling it again. Deferred payments, etc to assist in the stadium funding.
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Old 12-02-2017, 09:22 AM   #18803
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Originally Posted by Mile High Mania View Post
We've done this a few times... believe the synopsis is the violation was how the payments were made/funded, but the moves did not open up 'additional' cap space to be used on other players. I'm just not googling it again. Deferred payments, etc to assist in the stadium funding.
Yes we have and your explanation is totes the corporate line. Bottom line is WHY do it if there was no advantage? Answer - because AL Davis was correct and there was one. It's just another example of Denver trying to get away with something in what they perceived as being a gray area. The kind of thing that you have stated that you're in favor of because it shows that a team is "trying to win." So, no wonder you take the position that you do with your explanation. Denver fans sound just like New England fans. The league knows Denver cheated and fined them twice - only Bronco fans try and cloud the issue.
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Old 12-02-2017, 10:11 AM   #18804
Quesadilla Joe Quesadilla Joe is offline
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Originally Posted by RunKC View Post
Paxton Lynch drafted ahead of Dak Prescott
I wouldn't want to be stuck with Dak Prescott for the next 10 years. Guys like Dak are juuuusssst good enough to keep but not good enough to carry you to a Super Bowl. He's like Alex Smith, Dalton, and Kirk Cousins.
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Old 12-02-2017, 10:26 AM   #18805
staylor26 staylor26 is offline
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Originally Posted by Quesadilla Joe View Post
I wouldn't want to be stuck with Dak Prescott for the next 10 years. Guys like Dak are juuuusssst good enough to keep but not good enough to carry you to a Super Bowl. He's like Alex Smith, Dalton, and Kirk Cousins.
Good luck finding anything better than that with Elway picking your QBOTF.

You expect him to find an elite/tier 2 QB when the best he can do is Brock and Lynch so far?

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Old 12-02-2017, 10:41 AM   #18806
RunKC RunKC is offline
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Originally Posted by Quesadilla Joe View Post
I wouldn't want to be stuck with Dak Prescott for the next 10 years. Guys like Dak are juuuusssst good enough to keep but not good enough to carry you to a Super Bowl. He's like Alex Smith, Dalton, and Kirk Cousins.
DeShaun Watson hasn't proven to be anything better than Dak at this point.

Dak had an amazing rookie year. So did RGIII.
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Old 12-02-2017, 03:13 PM   #18807
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Originally Posted by Quesadilla Joe View Post
At least Lynch won't forever be known as the guy drafted ahead of Deshaun Watson.
This is what you've got now? Our QB getting the purposeful Aaron Rodgers treatment now passes for a defense of your awful GM? Wasn't it just back in August when you were positively GIDDY about all the QB talent your shitty GM had acquired?


And it doesn't stop there:

Originally Posted by Quesadilla Joe View Post
Our rookie has outshined yours and Elway didn't have to give up the farm to get him

Kyle Sloter preseason stats

Comp/Att/% 31/43 (72%)
Yards 413
YPA 9.6
TD's 3
INT's 0
QB Rating 125.4

Pat Mahomes preseason stats

Comp/Att/% 34/54 (62.9%)
Yards 390
YPA 7.2
TD's 4
INT's 0
QB Rating 109.3
Originally Posted by Quesadilla Joe View Post

Originally Posted by Quesadilla Joe View Post
How has CP convinced themselves that Denver is in some terrible situation?

It's hilarious
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Originally Posted by Reaper16 View Post
I would read an entire blog of SNR breaking down athletes' musical capabilities like draft scouting reports.
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Old 12-02-2017, 03:19 PM   #18808
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Wouldn't it be wonderful to have your fantasy of what Kyle Sloter's career right now, Knowmo? After all, when people are giving you shit about Semen, Assweiler, and Lynch, you're not throwing more QBs at them. I don't see any Chad Kelly comments.

And yet who you thought would be great some day isn't even on your ****ing roster. Your GM ousted him.

What happened, Knowmo? Did you disagree with something your GM did? Did Elway make a player evaluation boo-boo? Or are you going to admit that your Donk bullshit that you pedal is nothing more than trolling?

You gotta pick one, dude.
Originally Posted by Reaper16 View Post
I would read an entire blog of SNR breaking down athletes' musical capabilities like draft scouting reports.
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Old 12-02-2017, 09:00 PM   #18809
Sweet Daddy Hate Sweet Daddy Hate is offline
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It's absolutely DARLING to watch KnowMo pretend like Denver has any choice or pull in the QB market.
When Eltard had HGHn'stein, he was free to coast and drink Scotch all year long. Having a QB like Peyton cures a LOT of ills, and not just on game day; he's a draw for other, premium talent.

Now that Elfraud has been reduced to a Smith-like existence as just "Ol' Johnny on the Spot", he'll be spending the remainder of his pitiful tenure running around Dung Valley like some sort of bleary-eyed Nurse Ratchet, just trying to stop the bleeding over here, over there, and all points in between.


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Old 12-02-2017, 10:39 PM   #18810
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