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Old 04-28-2022, 09:16 PM  
Dante84 Dante84 is offline
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*****The George Karlaftis Thread*****

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Old 04-28-2022, 10:42 PM   #166
wbbonneriii wbbonneriii is offline

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He seemed to get abused by tOSU
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wbbonneriii is the dumbass Milkman is always talking aboutwbbonneriii is the dumbass Milkman is always talking aboutwbbonneriii is the dumbass Milkman is always talking aboutwbbonneriii is the dumbass Milkman is always talking aboutwbbonneriii is the dumbass Milkman is always talking aboutwbbonneriii is the dumbass Milkman is always talking aboutwbbonneriii is the dumbass Milkman is always talking aboutwbbonneriii is the dumbass Milkman is always talking aboutwbbonneriii is the dumbass Milkman is always talking aboutwbbonneriii is the dumbass Milkman is always talking about
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Old 04-28-2022, 10:44 PM   #167
RealSNR RealSNR is offline
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Originally Posted by ChiefsFanatic View Post
I hope you are right, but I just don't see him winning against NFL tackles the way he won against college tackles.

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QBs are supposed to be a certain height... well, except for the short guys who turn into HOFers

WRs are supposed to meet a certain threshold in 3-cone times or else they can't get open in the NFL... except for the ones who take a giant piss on that shit

LBs need to be a certain weight. RBs need to run a certain 40 time. The list goes on and on.

That doesn't mean you draft a ****ing grandma in a wheelchair, but it also doesn't mean you dismiss a player as ****ing broken if they're not within the commonly accepted norm for body or type of athlete. You take those red flags and investigate them... find out why they were successful and whether those traits are things you can still work with.

The Chiefs didn't ignore the length of his arms. They have his measurements. People are acting like this shit is something they didn't know about.
Originally Posted by Reaper16 View Post
I would read an entire blog of SNR breaking down athletes' musical capabilities like draft scouting reports.
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Old 04-28-2022, 10:45 PM   #168
Sassy Squatch Sassy Squatch is offline
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Originally Posted by wbbonneriii View Post
He seemed to get abused by tOSU
Watched a couple of those highlights and it sure seemed like when he was in the game they were purposely scheming him out on offense as much as possible. Rolling the other direction, a few chips, and some incredibly quick passes.
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Old 04-28-2022, 10:49 PM   #169
PattyFlakes PattyFlakes is offline
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Originally Posted by RealSNR View Post
QBs are supposed to be a certain height... well, except for the short guys who turn into HOFers

WRs are supposed to meet a certain threshold in 3-cone times or else they can't get open in the NFL... except for the ones who take a giant piss on that shit

LBs need to be a certain weight. RBs need to run a certain 40 time. The list goes on and on.

That doesn't mean you draft a ****ing grandma in a wheelchair, but it also doesn't mean you dismiss a player as ****ing broken if they're not within the commonly accepted norm for body or type of athlete. You take those red flags and investigate them... find out why they were successful and whether those traits are things you can still work with.

The Chiefs didn't ignore the length of his arms. They have his measurements. People are acting like this shit is something they didn't know about.
And they decided that his actual football playing ability outweighed how long his ****ing arms are.
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Old 04-28-2022, 10:50 PM   #170
PattyFlakes PattyFlakes is offline
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Originally Posted by wbbonneriii View Post
He seemed to get abused by tOSU
Well thank **** that the Ohio State isn’t in the AFC West.
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Old 04-28-2022, 10:51 PM   #171
IowaHawkeyeChief IowaHawkeyeChief is offline
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Originally Posted by RealSNR View Post
QBs are supposed to be a certain height... well, except for the short guys who turn into HOFers

WRs are supposed to meet a certain threshold in 3-cone times or else they can't get open in the NFL... except for the ones who take a giant piss on that shit

LBs need to be a certain weight. RBs need to run a certain 40 time. The list goes on and on.

That doesn't mean you draft a ****ing grandma in a wheelchair, but it also doesn't mean you dismiss a player as ****ing broken if they're not within the commonly accepted norm for body or type of athlete. You take those red flags and investigate them... find out why they were successful and whether those traits are things you can still work with.

The Chiefs didn't ignore the length of his arms. They have his measurements. People are acting like this shit is something they didn't know about.
This, if McDuffie was an inch taller and the Greek Freak (can't spell his name yet) had slightly longer arms they probably both go in the top 10...
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Old 04-28-2022, 10:51 PM   #172
ThyKingdomCome15 ThyKingdomCome15 is offline
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Originally Posted by Superturtle View Post
Watched a couple of those highlights and it sure seemed like when he was in the game they were purposely scheming him out on offense as much as possible. Rolling the other direction, a few chips, and some incredibly quick passes.
I saw that in the Ohio State film for sure. He's the only one they really had to scheme for.
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Old 04-28-2022, 10:52 PM   #173
Mecca Mecca is offline
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This guy is your motor guy that brings it every play, he isn't gonna lead the league in sacks. But guys like him do matter.
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Old 04-28-2022, 10:52 PM   #174
Hammock Parties Hammock Parties is online now
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Old 04-28-2022, 10:52 PM   #175
IowaHawkeyeChief IowaHawkeyeChief is offline
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Originally Posted by Superturtle View Post
Watched a couple of those highlights and it sure seemed like when he was in the game they were purposely scheming him out on offense as much as possible. Rolling the other direction, a few chips, and some incredibly quick passes.
The ball was being released by Ohio State in about 2 secs most snaps...
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Old 04-28-2022, 10:52 PM   #176
Titty Meat Titty Meat is offline
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Originally Posted by wbbonneriii View Post
He seemed to get abused by tOSU
The only game he had 0 sacks or pressures and still had a tackle for loss. How about the Iowa game with 10+ pressures or just about any other game of his career?

Did you write off Jameson Williams so quickly when he only caught 2 balls against Auburn or Mississippi St? My guess is you wanted to trade up for him.
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Old 04-28-2022, 10:53 PM   #177
IowaHawkeyeChief IowaHawkeyeChief is offline
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Originally Posted by Hammock Parties View Post
sloth love sack

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Old 04-28-2022, 10:53 PM   #178
ChiefsFanatic ChiefsFanatic is offline
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Originally Posted by RealSNR View Post
QBs are supposed to be a certain height... well, except for the short guys who turn into HOFers

WRs are supposed to meet a certain threshold in 3-cone times or else they can't get open in the NFL... except for the ones who take a giant piss on that shit

LBs need to be a certain weight. RBs need to run a certain 40 time. The list goes on and on.

That doesn't mean you draft a ****ing grandma in a wheelchair, but it also doesn't mean you dismiss a player as ****ing broken if they're not within the commonly accepted norm for body or type of athlete. You take those red flags and investigate them... find out why they were successful and whether those traits are things you can still work with.

The Chiefs didn't ignore the length of his arms. They have his measurements. People are acting like this shit is something they didn't know about.
I understand. But, he isn't a bendy type of rusher who is going to make moves to elude an NFL tackle.

He isn't an explosive athlete who is going to blow by an NFL tackle.

If he can't get his hands on the tackle in order to bull rush, how is he going to beat NFL tackles?

I sincerely hope that I am an idiot, and GK tears up the league, and proves to be the edge rusher we need.

Will he win sometimes? Yes. But, even with his PFF grade, or how other experts graded him, he was still there at 30 for a reason.

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Old 04-28-2022, 10:54 PM   #179
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Originally Posted by PattyFlakes View Post
And they decided that his actual football playing ability outweighed how long his ****ing arms are.

Arm lengths
Karlaftis 32 5/8
Hutchinson 32 1/8

So does Hutchinson also suck with his midget arms?
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Old 04-28-2022, 10:55 PM   #180
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Originally Posted by ChiefsFanatic View Post
I understand. But, he isn't a bendy type of rusher who is going to make moves to elude an NFL tackle.

He isn't an explosive athlete who is going to blow by an NFL tackle.

If he can't get his hands on the tackle in order to bull rush, how is he going to beat NFL tackles?

I sincerely hope that I am an idiot, and GK tears up the league, and proves to be the edge rusher we need.

Will he win sometimes? Yes. But, even with his PFF grade, or how other experts graded him, he was still there at 30 for a reason.

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Yea cause we got GMs taking 3rd round players in round one like the Pats.
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