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Old 05-21-2012, 09:43 PM  
Fish Fish is offline
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Old 03-22-2014, 09:31 PM   #1756
Easy 6 Easy 6 is offline
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Lanes post 1751... what an outrageously cool shot, I feel blessed to have even looked at that.

Space, man... like wow, its just too much.
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Old 03-22-2014, 11:41 PM   #1757
morphius morphius is offline
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Originally Posted by chefsos View Post
At first glance I thought this was another one of Fish's bugs.

And, how in hell do we get any telescope, or army of telescopes, to see what's going on in the center of this galaxy? Aren't we pretty much on a flat plane, with a lot of shit going on and getting in the way between us and that central black hole?
"Scene from the computer simulation above showing one possible trajectory for G2 as it passes around the central black hole."

So it looks like it is a computer model.
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Old 03-23-2014, 08:40 AM   #1758
GloryDayz GloryDayz is offline
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I hope Fred Phelps and KenDICK Lewis are on that cloud as it gets sucked in!
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Old 03-23-2014, 08:49 AM   #1759
Fish Fish is offline
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Originally Posted by chefsos View Post
At first glance I thought this was another one of Fish's bugs.
You sayin I got bugs?


Last edited by Fish; 03-23-2014 at 09:03 AM..
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Old 03-23-2014, 09:55 PM   #1760
Baby Lee Baby Lee is offline

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Originally Posted by Baby Lee View Post
Don't know about the others, but The Good Wife is far from 'stupid shit.'

It is a show that portrays the law, Illinois [Chicago] law in particular better than any show before it.

They present real controversies and the very VERY real maneuvers surrounding them in a way that is compelling on it's surface but mesmerizing if you are a practicing lawyer.

I've made some the EXACT objections and arguments made on this show, and have paused the show to pick my own brain when they present arguments and objections that I haven't seen to ruminate on how I'd react.

And it's not just 'the law' but firm politics, politics politcs, alliances, assessment of claim value, negotiations, handshake deals, etc., that it gets right.

And part of what makes it so compelling is, they didn't go for L@O's 'ripped from today's headlines' approach, but scoured the court system for important cases that AREN'T making headlines, They're all over cybercurrency, data mining, wiretapping, sports injury, etc. in ways nobody's even thought of dramatizing yet.

The Illinois Bar should offer CLE credit just for watching.

If you want to see how law is ACTUALLY practiced, at least in Illinois, TGW is a great show.
Not to thread fart, but I figure this was better than starting a new thread.

Ho Lee Shit!!

Shit got real, with the quickness.

****ing devastating. This show deserves it's own thread as much as TWD or Justified or GoT, but since it's network people dismiss it.

Real tears, 5 minutes straight.

So many ramifications, legal and emotional. It's like striking a priceless stained glass at Notre Dame with a baseball.
We need the kind of courage that can withstand the subtle corruption of the cynics - E.W.
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Old 03-23-2014, 09:59 PM   #1761
Dave Lane Dave Lane is offline
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Feel free to start a new thread if its that good. I'll bet it will get more attention and more posts if you do.
Thanks, Trump for the civics lesson. We are learning so much about RICO, espionage, sedition, impeachment, the 25th Amendment, order of succession, nepotism, separation of powers, 1st Amendment, obstruction of justice, the emoluments clause, conflicts of interest, collusion, sanctions, oligarchs, money laundering and so much more.
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Old 03-23-2014, 10:11 PM   #1762
alnorth alnorth is offline
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Another week, another great Cosmos episode. Its a worthy successor.
how many emo kids does it take to change a lightbulb?
none they just sit in the dark and cry
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Old 03-24-2014, 06:32 AM   #1763
Dave Lane Dave Lane is offline
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Originally Posted by alnorth View Post
Another week, another great Cosmos episode. Its a worthy successor.
Ive yet to see any. I'll have to torrent them when I get back to the world.
Thanks, Trump for the civics lesson. We are learning so much about RICO, espionage, sedition, impeachment, the 25th Amendment, order of succession, nepotism, separation of powers, 1st Amendment, obstruction of justice, the emoluments clause, conflicts of interest, collusion, sanctions, oligarchs, money laundering and so much more.
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Old 03-24-2014, 09:00 AM   #1764
Fish Fish is offline
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Originally Posted by alnorth View Post
Another week, another great Cosmos episode. Its a worthy successor.
I laughed at the "Pot is cool, just misunderstood" part......
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Old 03-24-2014, 08:05 PM   #1765
Fat Elvis Fat Elvis is offline
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Originally Posted by Fish View Post
I laughed at the "Pot is cool, just misunderstood" part......

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Old 03-25-2014, 09:20 AM   #1766
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Originally Posted by Fat Elvis View Post
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Old 03-25-2014, 10:38 AM   #1767
Mr. Plow Mr. Plow is offline
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I found this interesting.

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Old 03-25-2014, 09:15 PM   #1768
BigRedChief BigRedChief is offline
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Found this program on our local TV channel while looking to record COSMOS. It's Neal deGrasse Tyson taking questions from the audience. The guy on the left is the Cosmologist my son is taking astrology classes from. Found the clip on you tube. Neal is very funny. Skip to 15:30 where Neal starts talking.
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Old 03-25-2014, 10:05 PM   #1769
Dave Lane Dave Lane is offline
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Originally Posted by BigRedChief View Post
Found this program on our local TV channel while looking to record COSMOS. It's Neal deGrasse Tyson taking questions from the audience. The guy on the left is the Cosmologist my son is taking astrology classes from. Found the clip on you tube. Neal is very funny. Skip to 15:30 where Neal starts talking.
Seen that pretty old but astrology? Really? Dude.
Thanks, Trump for the civics lesson. We are learning so much about RICO, espionage, sedition, impeachment, the 25th Amendment, order of succession, nepotism, separation of powers, 1st Amendment, obstruction of justice, the emoluments clause, conflicts of interest, collusion, sanctions, oligarchs, money laundering and so much more.
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Old 03-26-2014, 12:22 AM   #1770
Priest31kc Priest31kc is offline
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NDT is the best.


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Priest31kc would the whole thing.Priest31kc would the whole thing.Priest31kc would the whole thing.Priest31kc would the whole thing.Priest31kc would the whole thing.Priest31kc would the whole thing.Priest31kc would the whole thing.Priest31kc would the whole thing.Priest31kc would the whole thing.Priest31kc would the whole thing.Priest31kc would the whole thing.
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