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Old 02-13-2024, 04:37 PM  
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Old 08-05-2024, 09:49 PM   #151
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Old 08-06-2024, 03:53 AM   #152
BigRichard BigRichard is offline
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Originally Posted by Tribal Warfare View Post
They did put it in the theatrical release. It was the last scene in the end credits
I always sit through the credits and don't remember this in the theaters. I also just watched my copy of the movie that I have and it isn't there. I sat through 10 minutes of credits just to confirm there is no scene with Deadpool killing a Hitler baby. I am thinking you saw this is some sort of directors cut or something.

And there it is... it was cut from the theatrical release as it didn't sit well with the test audience. They put it in the Blu-ray release. I knew I didn't remember it being there.

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Old 08-06-2024, 08:34 AM   #153
DJ's left nut DJ's left nut is offline
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Man - critics that are panning this movie....uh...what were you expecting?

This was EXACTLY what I'd have expected from this movie. And no, it's not easy access to understand everything that's going on. There is a clear barrier to entry that spans decades and gets really meta.

There are a dozen references that go back to the mid/late 90s and fights on set (Reynolds and Snipes didn't get along in Trinity, for instance). But it's a Deadpool movie! That's the point!

I loved it. My wife, who isn't a comic book kid and didn't even know who Gambit is, liked the movie (because she's seen the Deadpool movies and the newer X-Men movies). But c'mon - this was exactly the sort of goofy, grinning at the camera, self-aware gore-fest shit you'd expect from the Ryan Reynolds Deadpool universe.

And Hugh Jackman friggen killed it. Cassandra Nova seemed like she was in the wrong movie but Jackman hit a perfect balance of serious and cheesy.
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Old 08-06-2024, 09:30 AM   #154
ToxSocks ToxSocks is offline
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Originally Posted by DJ's left nut View Post
Man - critics that are panning this movie....uh...what were you expecting?

This was EXACTLY what I'd have expected from this movie. And no, it's not easy access to understand everything that's going on. There is a clear barrier to entry that spans decades and gets really meta.

There are a dozen references that go back to the mid/late 90s and fights on set (Reynolds and Snipes didn't get along in Trinity, for instance). But it's a Deadpool movie! That's the point!

I loved it. My wife, who isn't a comic book kid and didn't even know who Gambit is, liked the movie (because she's seen the Deadpool movies and the newer X-Men movies). But c'mon - this was exactly the sort of goofy, grinning at the camera, self-aware gore-fest shit you'd expect from the Ryan Reynolds Deadpool universe.

And Hugh Jackman friggen killed it. Cassandra Nova seemed like she was in the wrong movie but Jackman hit a perfect balance of serious and cheesy.
Yeah i don't get it either. It was everything it was ever meant to be. My wife said she laughed more in the first two movies. Which....thinking back on it, ok...sure, fine. Maybe they were a little funnier.

But where this movie fell short on humor (in comparison to the first two, because it was certainly not short on humor) it made up for in gorish violence and fan service.

I grew up a Gambit fan boy when it came to the X-Men universe. So of course i was freakin' excited about that. And they freakin' nailed the character too.
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Old 08-06-2024, 09:39 AM   #155
DJ's left nut DJ's left nut is offline
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Originally Posted by ToxSocks View Post
Yeah i don't get it either. It was everything it was ever meant to be. My wife said she laughed more in the first two movies. Which....thinking back on it, ok...sure, fine. Maybe they were a little funnier.

But where this movie fell short on humor (in comparison to the first two, because it was certainly not short on humor) it made up for in gorish violence and fan service.

I grew up a Gambit fan boy when it came to the X-Men universe. So of course i was freakin' excited about that. And they freakin' nailed the character too.
I friggen loved Gambit growing up.

I had to explain to my wife that Gambit can essentially charge anything and the deck of cards is essentially a magazine that he carries because he can aim them well and they're compact.

I do think that Channing Tatum is a little too bulky for the character, though (and yeah, I know the story behind him in the role; I just don't think he's right for it).

I thought they could've done more with the character. Gambit can do some cool shit; the comics really explore the space with that character really well. Whereas the movie just had him whipping playing cards.

I thought it was better than Deadpool 2, though I may have to watch that one again. I've only seen it once and remember thinking it fell well short of the first one. I was a little disappointed by it - not by this.

This was exactly what I was wanting from this movie. It did was Deadpool always does and belabors the point a bit -- every joke/bit is a couple beats too long. But again, what the hell did you expect?
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Old 08-06-2024, 11:45 AM   #156
DaFace DaFace is offline
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Originally Posted by DJ's left nut View Post
Man - critics that are panning this movie....uh...what were you expecting?
To be fair, it's got a 79% critic score on Rotten Tomatoes, so it's not like that's the prevailing opinion even from critics.
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Old 08-06-2024, 02:47 PM   #157
Tribal Warfare Tribal Warfare is offline
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Originally Posted by BigRichard View Post
I always sit through the credits and don't remember this in the theaters. I also just watched my copy of the movie that I have and it isn't there. I sat through 10 minutes of credits just to confirm there is no scene with Deadpool killing a Hitler baby. I am thinking you saw this is some sort of directors cut or something.

And there it is... it was cut from the theatrical release as it didn't sit well with the test audience. They put it in the Blu-ray release. I knew I didn't remember it being there.

It was there during the premiere, him in the paternity ward debating if he should kill baby Hitler then finally picking up Baby Hitler then goes off-screen
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Old 08-06-2024, 06:19 PM   #158
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Originally Posted by DaFace View Post
To be fair, it's got a 79% critic score on Rotten Tomatoes, so it's not like that's the prevailing opinion even from critics.
But that's a score that you'll see for your basic cookie cutter average MCU movie, and this was so much better than that.
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Old 08-07-2024, 11:35 AM   #159
Rausch Rausch is offline
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Originally Posted by Tribal Warfare View Post
It was there during the premiere, him in the paternity ward debating if he should kill baby Hitler then finally picking up Baby Hitler then goes off-screen
Did see it.
That's not edgy humor. Every history class beyond grade 7 has had that conversation and debate.
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Old 08-08-2024, 09:06 PM   #160
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Just got home from seeing it.. It was awesome. Haven't laughed out loud at a movie that much in a long time.. Hugh is an alien. JFC, 55 years old..
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Old 08-09-2024, 02:28 AM   #161
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Originally Posted by Kman34 View Post
Just got home from seeing it.. It was awesome. Haven't laughed out loud at a movie that much in a long time.. Hugh is an alien. JFC, 55 years old..
you mean mutant
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Old 08-11-2024, 05:13 PM   #162
BigRedChief BigRedChief is offline
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Old 08-12-2024, 10:05 AM   #163
DJ's left nut DJ's left nut is offline
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Originally Posted by Kman34 View Post
Just got home from seeing it.. It was awesome. Haven't laughed out loud at a movie that much in a long time.. Hugh is an alien. JFC, 55 years old..
I mean...he's juicing, right?

I don't care. He's not a competitive athlete and they're not strictly illegal. So it is what it is. But I don't believe for a minute that dude isn't getting quite a bit of help.
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Old 08-13-2024, 04:57 PM   #164
Clyde Frog Clyde Frog is offline
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Originally Posted by DJ's left nut View Post
I mean...he's juicing, right?

I don't care. He's not a competitive athlete and they're not strictly illegal. So it is what it is. But I don't believe for a minute that dude isn't getting quite a bit of help.
It's probably TRT (testosterone replacement therapy). He doesn’t seem to have used more extreme substances like Tren or other injectable anabolics (unlike Alan Ritchson, for example). He also likely has a whole team behind him, including chefs, trainers, and psychologists, to achieve that level of fitness. Additionally, he probably works with a bodybuilder or sport scientist to optimize his physique to achieve his peak for the shirtless scene.
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Old 08-13-2024, 05:19 PM   #165
ThaVirus ThaVirus is offline
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I won’t pretend to know but he is incredibly lean and still very muscular, which is difficult to do for a 55-year old dude who hasn’t been a fitness nut his whole life.

I believe he’s of similar height to Ryan Reynolds. Looks like they’re both around 6’2” and in the last scene when they’re about to face the Deadpool Corps we got a side shot of both and Hugh’s arm was like twice the size of Reynolds’.

It’s really hard to have that kind of muscle mass and also be that lean to have those bottom two abs showing up at the same time.
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