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Old 10-21-2003, 08:57 PM  
Bwana Bwana is offline
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Bwana One Punks Zero...Don't Even Think About Hitting My Leaf Pile!

So there I was yesterday, gathering all the leaf product from the front and backyard. I had a nice big pile for the boys from the city to come and get and was rather proud of myself for getting it done early. I cracked a tasty beverage and was enjoying some TV when it happened. A car load of punks crashes through all my hard work and redistributes my nice pile all over the street.

Me being me, I figured why get mad when I can get even? I got my pile back in order and decided my new pile needed "a little weight" (to keep the wind from blowing them away ) I placed three giant logs and 5 steel posts in there. About 5 minutes ago the punks came back to take another run at Bwanas hard work.

There was a God awful noise as their car hit my leaf pile from hell. Nothing like the sound of the underside of a vehicle making contact with steel and large wood logs. It shot logs and steel posts about 40 feet. The punks kept going. I would bet thats the last time the little bastages mess with someones leaf pile.nlm

Last edited by Bwana; 10-21-2003 at 09:05 PM..
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Bwana is obviously part of the inner Circle.Bwana is obviously part of the inner Circle.Bwana is obviously part of the inner Circle.Bwana is obviously part of the inner Circle.Bwana is obviously part of the inner Circle.Bwana is obviously part of the inner Circle.Bwana is obviously part of the inner Circle.Bwana is obviously part of the inner Circle.Bwana is obviously part of the inner Circle.Bwana is obviously part of the inner Circle.Bwana is obviously part of the inner Circle.
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Old 10-22-2003, 02:21 PM   #61
Chief Henry Chief Henry is offline

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I just read the Bird Bomb story......good job outta you. Some how I picture you as a cross between Slim Pickens and "Rooster Cogburn"........

You still need to write a book. The title could be
"Gettin Even,Bwana's way".....
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Chief Henry has just been standing around suckin' on a big ol' chili dog.Chief Henry has just been standing around suckin' on a big ol' chili dog.Chief Henry has just been standing around suckin' on a big ol' chili dog.Chief Henry has just been standing around suckin' on a big ol' chili dog.Chief Henry has just been standing around suckin' on a big ol' chili dog.Chief Henry has just been standing around suckin' on a big ol' chili dog.Chief Henry has just been standing around suckin' on a big ol' chili dog.Chief Henry has just been standing around suckin' on a big ol' chili dog.Chief Henry has just been standing around suckin' on a big ol' chili dog.Chief Henry has just been standing around suckin' on a big ol' chili dog.Chief Henry has just been standing around suckin' on a big ol' chili dog.
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Old 10-22-2003, 08:58 PM   #62
Carl Spackler Carl Spackler is offline
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Originally Posted by Bwana
Carl, you are going to fit in around here just fine.
Thanks Bwana. Like I said in my intro, I read a few threads () and knew I found a home.
"The Zen philosopher Basha once wrote that a flute with no holes is not a flute, and a doughnut with no holes is a Danish."-- Ty Webb, Caddyshack.
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Carl Spackler is a favorite in the douche of the year contest.Carl Spackler is a favorite in the douche of the year contest.
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Old 01-26-2009, 08:29 PM   #63
Gracie Dean Gracie Dean is offline
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Old 01-28-2009, 11:48 AM   #64
Buck Buck is offline
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I heard about a guy who filled his mailbox with cement because kids were knocking off his mailbox w/ a metal bat.

So the kid goes and tries to hit it, and both of his arms are torn off. The driver freaks out and crashes, both kids die. The owner was then charged w/ manslaughter.
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Old 01-28-2009, 04:46 PM   #65
The Franchise The Franchise is offline
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Originally Posted by BuckinKaeding View Post
I heard about a guy who filled his mailbox with cement because kids were knocking off his mailbox w/ a metal bat.

So the kid goes and tries to hit it, and both of his arms are torn off. The driver freaks out and crashes, both kids die. The owner was then charged w/ manslaughter.
You watch too much CSI.
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The Franchise is obviously part of the inner Circle.The Franchise is obviously part of the inner Circle.The Franchise is obviously part of the inner Circle.The Franchise is obviously part of the inner Circle.The Franchise is obviously part of the inner Circle.The Franchise is obviously part of the inner Circle.The Franchise is obviously part of the inner Circle.The Franchise is obviously part of the inner Circle.The Franchise is obviously part of the inner Circle.The Franchise is obviously part of the inner Circle.The Franchise is obviously part of the inner Circle.
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