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Old 10-20-2006, 10:38 PM  
ChiefsFan4Life ChiefsFan4Life is offline
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Dexter (Showtime)

Anyone watch this show?

I was bored and watched all three episodes that have been aired so far on OnDemand. I actually think the show is pretty damn good so far, I like the character a lot.
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Old 11-09-2021, 01:49 PM   #796
Ebolapox Ebolapox is offline
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Yeah... anybody else see the first episode?
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Old 11-09-2021, 02:36 PM   #797
BigRock BigRock is offline
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I thought it was... ehhh.

Seemed lame that he could control himself for 10 years and get a normal life, and seemingly couldn't even kill a deer he was trying to hunt, but then he just HAS to kill this one douchebag and put everything at risk. Like, they're showing that women are going missing so presumably there's a serial killer around. If Dexter fell off the wagon to kill that guy, OK. But some spoiled dudebro? Eh.

And if this all ends with
, ehhh x 10.
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Old 11-09-2021, 07:21 PM   #798
Tribal Warfare Tribal Warfare is offline
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Originally Posted by BigRock View Post
I thought it was... ehhh.

Seemed lame that he could control himself for 10 years and get a normal life, and seemingly couldn't even kill a deer he was trying to hunt, but then he just HAS to kill this one douchebag and put everything at risk. Like, they're showing that women are going missing so presumably there's a serial killer around. If Dexter fell off the wagon to kill that guy, OK. But some spoiled dudebro? Eh.

And if this all ends with
, ehhh x 10.
Trinity remained dormant for years until something triggers his "Dark Passenger"

With Dexter it was seeing Harrison
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Old 11-10-2021, 03:14 AM   #799
listopencil listopencil is offline
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Originally Posted by BigRock View Post
I thought it was... ehhh.

Seemed lame that he could control himself for 10 years and get a normal life, and seemingly couldn't even kill a deer he was trying to hunt, but then he just HAS to kill this one douchebag and put everything at risk. Like, they're showing that women are going missing so presumably there's a serial killer around. If Dexter fell off the wagon to kill that guy, OK. But some spoiled dudebro? Eh.

And if this all ends with
, ehhh x 10.
I know what you mean, but no one wants to see a show about him controlling himself for a decade. So in TV land the story picks up where the action begins.
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Old 11-10-2021, 09:02 AM   #800
Simply Red Simply Red is offline
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not bad, just re-intro'ing the series, I think next episode will be telling of if this Season 9 will sink or swim.
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Old 11-10-2021, 09:32 AM   #801
Ebolapox Ebolapox is offline
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I loved how he was banging a cop chick within a few minutes of episode start.

Also, thanks for the obvious symbolism with the white stag. Get it? he can't kill anymore! then he's pushed into it! it's not his fault!
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Old 11-11-2021, 09:10 PM   #802
listopencil listopencil is offline
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Originally Posted by Ebolapox View Post
I loved how he was banging a cop chick within a few minutes of episode start.

Also, thanks for the obvious symbolism with the white stag. Get it? he can't kill anymore! then he's pushed into it! it's not his fault!
The first episode wasn't particularly well written. The dick shaped scar on that one guy's face was a stupid idea, for instance. I'll keep watching for now to see how it goes.
While you live, shine. Have no grief at all. Life exists only for a short while and time demands its toll.

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Old 11-11-2021, 10:43 PM   #803
BigRedChief BigRedChief is offline
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Originally Posted by Ebolapox View Post
Also, thanks for the obvious symbolism with the white stag. Get it? he can't kill anymore! then he's pushed into it! it's not his fault!
not that subtle huh?
Mind you own damn business
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Old 11-14-2021, 11:39 AM   #804
Tribal Warfare Tribal Warfare is offline
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Ghost Debra is more irritating than when she was alive
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Old 11-27-2021, 07:40 PM   #805
Molitoth Molitoth is offline
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Originally Posted by listopencil View Post
The first episode wasn't particularly well written. The dick shaped scar on that one guy's face was a stupid idea, for instance. I'll keep watching for now to see how it goes.
Really? That upset you?

Originally Posted by Tribal Warfare View Post
Ghost Debra is more irritating than when she was alive
This is true. I would have preferred they left her character out of the show, but Dexter has always had an imaginary relationship with a dead relative questioning his decisions, so it makes sense.
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Old 11-27-2021, 07:44 PM   #806
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Anyway, I'm really enjoying this season.

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Old 11-27-2021, 09:46 PM   #807
Bump Bump is offline
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watched the 1st episode last night. Somewhat entertaining but

get outta here
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Old 11-28-2021, 06:54 AM   #808
Molitoth Molitoth is offline
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Originally Posted by Bump View Post
watched the 1st episode last night. Somewhat entertaining but

get outta here
He explains how he tracks him down.
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Old 11-28-2021, 12:50 PM
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Old 11-30-2021, 07:56 PM   #809
Molitoth Molitoth is offline
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I really enjoyed episode 4. It was predictable, but I'll still take it.
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Old 12-12-2021, 03:41 PM   #810
kevrunner kevrunner is offline
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I thought that was a good episode, Harrison is a beast on the mat.
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