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Old 02-10-2006, 03:45 PM  
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The Olympics

Do you find the Olympics to be a big waste of time? Personally, I'm looking forward the the ski jumping.
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Old 08-02-2012, 06:46 PM   #496
O.city O.city is offline
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Mens Volleyball is actually pretty cool to watch.
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Old 08-02-2012, 06:48 PM   #497
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Originally Posted by mlyonsd View Post
Good Lord, a US woman is the first to win a gold in Judo for the US, men or women, and she doesn't get her match played out in primetime?

And on top of it she was sexually abused at 16 by her Judo coach and almost quit the sport.

NBC really sucks at everything they do.
That was just an amazing match... And good for her... I hope she goes back and finds the ***k who abused her and knocks him the f*** out! With the medal!

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Old 08-02-2012, 06:49 PM   #498
mlyonsd mlyonsd is offline

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Originally Posted by alnorth View Post
I have no problem with the tape-delay thing, and I think the complaints on that front are kinda unrealistic. NBC paid a FORTUNE for the olympics, and most people (like me) have to sleep and go to work. I can only watch during prime time, so I'm fine with the tape delay, its up to me to avoid spoilers if I want to.

That said, NBC sure as hell ought to show just one frickin' Judo match if its the gold medal match for the USA. I don't expect them to show the entire tournament, but is one short martial arts bout in prime time too much to ask if its the first-ever gold medal?
Everything they show in prime time is tape delayed. Has to be that way. What I meant was the things they are showing during prime time aren't live either so it's not like they are showing us something ground breaking since we could go look up the final if we wanted to.
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Old 08-02-2012, 07:01 PM   #499
DaKCMan AP DaKCMan AP is offline
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Originally Posted by alnorth View Post

The thought that its perfectly fair to compare countries straight-up is stupid. Handicap China if it makes you feel better. (Actually, to hell with China, I'm not impressed with their insane state-sanctioned hunt for elementary school athletes to pluck away from families, end their education, and force them to train in prison-like conditions.)

The EU has beaten us in at least every olympics since 2000. I didn't check 1996 or prior, though. I'm fine with that, because this is of course an individual competition, but those who want to beat their chest bragging about beating the world look kinda silly to me.
Originally Posted by alnorth View Post
Honestly, I don't really consider the US to have won unless they get more golds than the EU, maybe drop France, Italy, and Romania to make it fair. (EU has half a billion, we have a bit over 300 million)

Our massive size and population is just a silly advantage against any one EU nation. China can also stand on their own, probably Russia too, but our peer in Europe is not Germany, or the UK, its the whole fricken EU minus a couple countries.

By that measure we haven't beaten the EU in a while (not surprising, they dont have the NBA and the NFL sucking all the life out of the athletic room, aside from soccer they encourage all kinds of weird sports), but we're narrowly ahead at the moment.
Your argument is silly.

Originally Posted by allen_kcCard View Post
Fine then, we should be able to send as many as those combined countries as well to compete, so instead of the top X of an event, we send 5X or however many they are sending. You talk about populations of them, but they are also sending a ton more participants. If we had our swim team, plus 4 more of them you don't think that would push a lot of the meddles that the EU are getting spread out across all the people they have with a shot at them?

I get your point of the pool of possible selections being larger for us vs them alone, but there is also a lot to be said about sending as many people as they send compared to us if you put all of them together.
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Old 08-02-2012, 08:09 PM   #500
Valiant Valiant is offline
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Originally Posted by allen_kcCard View Post
Fine then, we should be able to send as many as those combined countries as well to compete, so instead of the top X of an event, we send 5X or however many they are sending. You talk about populations of them, but they are also sending a ton more participants. If we had our swim team, plus 4 more of them you don't think that would push a lot of the meddles that the EU are getting spread out across all the people they have with a shot at them?

I get your point of the pool of possible selections being larger for us vs them alone, but there is also a lot to be said about sending as many people as they send compared to us if you put all of them together.
Yeah, this kind of ends the argument. The EU dwarfs us with participants by those rules yet we would still average higher per capita of medals..

US has 530 participants.

Shit, nevermind. GB has 541 already, more then the USA..
France 191, Germany 392, Spain 282, then all the other EU countries??

Those four alone total 1406 participants, almost 3x the US number in four countries??

Those 4 countries at almost 3x the participant pool have 50 medals so far, the US best sports are not even medal-ed yet and we are at 37..

China is the one rocking at per capita of medals at 380 people..

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Old 08-02-2012, 08:23 PM   #501
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Russian gymnast had the intro to 'Shine on you Crazy Diamond' for her intro.

I'm gonna go on a Pink Floyd trip now. BRB.
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Old 08-02-2012, 08:33 PM   #502
alnorth alnorth is offline
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Originally Posted by DaKCMan AP View Post
Your argument is silly.
Your argument is reeruned.

If the national race is what you care about, then GOLD is the only thing that counts. Nothing else. Just gold. If our best doesn't win giold, then who cares about who else didn't make it.

You are presuming I give a rat's ass about the fake, unrealistic, nonexistic "world champ" race. I don't. I also don't care about making sure we crown the truly deserving 3rd-place finisher.

If this was a real world NOC team competition, there should be no nation limits and we should have some sort of handicap for nation size/wealth. We don't, instead, there are some nation limits for the sake of some diversity, and because of that, its IMPOSSIBLE to crown a "overall olympic champion country", though if we want to try, again, its probably the European Union, every single time. Because of that, this should be, ONLY seen as an individual competition. Period. End of discussion.

If you are among the U-S-A, U-S-A bunch who want to Jingoistically cheer for national superiority, then dont dig too far into what is fair.

Since I don't give a crap about being fair to the true deserving bronze medalist, I don't care if one nation has the 3 best and one is left out.
how many emo kids does it take to change a lightbulb?
none they just sit in the dark and cry

Last edited by alnorth; 08-02-2012 at 08:41 PM..
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Old 08-02-2012, 08:38 PM   #503
Molitoth Molitoth is offline
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Originally Posted by PostRockPablo View Post
Russian gymnast had the intro to 'Shine on you Crazy Diamond' for her intro.

I'm gonna go on a Pink Floyd trip now. BRB.
wow , I thought I heard that but my wife was blabbering.
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Old 08-02-2012, 08:38 PM   #504
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Old 08-02-2012, 08:38 PM   #505
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Ryan locte has been a dissapoint.
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Old 08-02-2012, 08:52 PM   #506
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Originally Posted by alnorth View Post
Your argument is reeruned.

If the national race is what you care about, then GOLD is the only thing that counts. Nothing else. Just gold. If our best doesn't win giold, then who cares about who else didn't make it.

You are presuming I give a rat's ass about the fake, unrealistic, nonexistic "world champ" race. I don't. I also don't care about making sure we crown the truly deserving 3rd-place finisher.

If this was a real world NOC team competition, there should be no nation limits and we should have some sort of handicap for nation size/wealth. We don't, instead, there are some nation limits for the sake of some diversity, and because of that, its IMPOSSIBLE to crown a "overall olympic champion country", though if we want to try, again, its probably the European Union, every single time. Because of that, this should be, ONLY seen as an individual competition. Period. End of discussion.

If you are among the U-S-A, U-S-A bunch who want to Jingoistically cheer for national superiority, then dont dig too far into what is fair.

Since I don't give a crap about being fair to the true deserving bronze medalist, I don't care if one nation has the 3 best and one is left out.

The EU would be the one getting handicapped though per my link.. GB has more people in the Olympics then the US, then add everyone else it would be 6 to 1 in the EU's favor..

China is the only real competitor(they are winning) against the US for medal per participant..
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Old 08-02-2012, 08:59 PM   #507
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Originally Posted by Molitoth View Post
Ryan locte has been a dissapoint.
He's basically Steve Young to Phelps' Montana. I've always despised Young, and this guy seems like an even bigger douche.
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Old 08-02-2012, 09:04 PM   #508
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Originally Posted by Molitoth View Post
wow , I thought I heard that but my wife was blabbering.
I'm past the Floyd trip now. Moved onto Golden Earring.
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Old 08-02-2012, 09:15 PM   #509
Deberg_1990 Deberg_1990 is offline
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So if all i knew of the Olympics was from NBC, i would think there were only two events. Gymnastics and swimming.
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Matt once made a very nice play in Seattle where he spun away from a pass rusher and hit Bowe off his back foot for a first down.

One of the best plays Matt has ever made.
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Old 08-02-2012, 09:22 PM   #510
BigMeatballDave BigMeatballDave is offline
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Originally Posted by Deberg_1990 View Post
So if all i knew of the Olympics was from NBC, i would think there were only two events. Gymnastics and swimming.
You can't just watch the primetime stuff.

They show other things on NBC Sports Network.

Plus there is programming during the day.
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