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Old 02-23-2025, 12:20 PM  
Mosbonian Mosbonian is offline
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Sitting in the hospital waiting for surgery tomorrow morning...

I won't go into great detail here so as not to bore everyone..I am sitting in this hospital bed waiting for the impending surgery tomorrow morning. While in theory it is supposed to be non-critical and more exploratory I would still appreciate prayers and thoughts.

Thanks in advance to all my friends here on Chiefsplanet.
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Old 03-06-2025, 09:55 AM   #136
BlackHelicopters BlackHelicopters is offline
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Mosbonian: I continue to pray for you during this recovery period.
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Old 03-06-2025, 10:16 AM   #137
Rausch Rausch is offline
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Originally Posted by Mosbonian View Post
So, on Monday I head back for my first follow up with my Cardiologist. What I am told is at that appointment he will then refer me to the Cardiac Rehab group to start my rehab with them.

Has anyone ever done Cardiac Rehab and have some insight into what rehab programs they will probably utilize? I am sure it has a lot to do with getting my heart back in shape and will probably entail some exercises to get my strength back. In addition I am sure they will probably have a diet regimen I will need to follow as strictly as possible ( am guessing no more of the sweets that I rarely ate anyway).

But would appreciate any insight anyone can give me on what I can expect.
Issues related to the heart recover very slowly and take time.

Do what they tell you. I don't know what a perfect recovery is but I had two relatives who did not follow the guidelines and did not follow the diet and did not do all the rehab and both permanently lost the ability to function normally as they had pre-0p.
I don't know what procedure you had - how serious, how little - but make yourself do the hard work. Do it. Change diet if that is required. The two people I knew were permanently at about 60% of normal for the rest of their lives. My grandfather died 4 years later and never got back to 50% of what he once was. My grandfather was a guy at 72 who would "mow the grass for old people." 90 degree temps that old man was in a hat and jeans cutting the grass of people 5 years younger than him.
Had either a double or triple done and never got back. He was already old, part of that may just be healing, may just be age, but he was stubborn and couldn't even walk a block after that. Huge life difference.
You aren't old yet. Don't do stupid old man things.
"He had no teeth, and he was slobbering all over himself. I'm thinking, 'You can have your money back, just get me out of here. Let me go be an accountant." I can't tell you how badly I wanted out of there."
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Originally Posted by rico
I wish I always ended up at gay bars.
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Old 03-06-2025, 10:26 AM   #138
Mosbonian Mosbonian is offline
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Originally Posted by Rausch View Post
Issues related to the heart recover very slowly and take time.

Do what they tell you. I don't know what a perfect recovery is but I had two relatives who did not follow the guidelines and did not follow the diet and did not do all the rehab and both permanently lost the ability to function normally as they had pre-0p.
I don't know what procedure you had - how serious, how little - but make yourself do the hard work. Do it. Change diet if that is required. The two people I knew were permanently at about 60% of normal for the rest of their lives. My grandfather died 4 years later and never got back to 50% of what he once was. My grandfather was a guy at 72 who would "mow the grass for old people." 90 degree temps that old man was in a hat and jeans cutting the grass of people 5 years younger than him.
Had either a double or triple done and never got back. He was already old, part of that may just be healing, may just be age, but he was stubborn and couldn't even walk a block after that. Huge life difference.
You aren't old yet. Don't do stupid old man things.
Mine was pretty serious...at one point t they considered open heart surgery but with my extenuating circumstances they decided to go with additional stents first.

I have been following the Cardiologist orders to this point....no heavy lifting....just small amounts of limited exercise....watch what I eat...make it healthy and in reasonable portions.

The real work I am told will start with the cardiac rehab and the work with the dietician. The wife has been a stickler about our meals this far...even once going by the hospital cafeteria and picking up a lunch that was recommended that day on the menu.

I am sure that I am in for some effort on my part to make valuable use of the extra time I have been granted with this surgery...

I intend to make good use of it.
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Old 03-06-2025, 12:54 PM   #139
burt burt is offline
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Originally Posted by Mosbonian View Post
So, on Monday I head back for my first follow up with my Cardiologist. What I am told is at that appointment he will then refer me to the Cardiac Rehab group to start my rehab with them.

Has anyone ever done Cardiac Rehab and have some insight into what rehab programs they will probably utilize? I am sure it has a lot to do with getting my heart back in shape and will probably entail some exercises to get my strength back. In addition I am sure they will probably have a diet regimen I will need to follow as strictly as possible ( am guessing no more of the sweets that I rarely ate anyway).

But would appreciate any insight anyone can give me on what I can expect.
Cardiac Rehab is no biggie. Just very light supervised excercise. They will gradually increase it, but it NEVER got to traditional excercise. I think I was 61 so I was one of the young guys.

I don't know what they did for you, but they told me, the next one will be full bypass and that I am not a candidate for stints. That was when I weighed 280. Got all the way to 286. 222 today. I still have things I want to do. You do too, Mosbonian.

I'm currently in rehab for balance issues. It's WAY worse than Cardio Rehab. Getting oldd ain't for sissies!
Originally Posted by DJ's left nut View Post
The Chiefs offense is a machine of focus, commitment, sheer will. It will come for you and you will do nothing. Because you can do nothing.
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Old 03-06-2025, 01:26 PM   #140
HemiEd HemiEd is offline
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Originally Posted by Mosbonian View Post
So, on Monday I head back for my first follow up with my Cardiologist. What I am told is at that appointment he will then refer me to the Cardiac Rehab group to start my rehab with them.

Has anyone ever done Cardiac Rehab and have some insight into what rehab programs they will probably utilize? I am sure it has a lot to do with getting my heart back in shape and will probably entail some exercises to get my strength back. In addition I am sure they will probably have a diet regimen I will need to follow as strictly as possible ( am guessing no more of the sweets that I rarely ate anyway).

But would appreciate any insight anyone can give me on what I can expect.
Kind of ironic I am sitting in Springfield hospital lobby waiting on the Mrs.
I consider myself very experienced on cardiac rehab as I went through it in Illinois and Branson.

Their mission is to help overcome the habits we have developed that are the two parts of the 5 that we can control.
Diet and exercise
I went a couple times a week for a couple years to the Branson West facility until I decided to buy my own equipment and do it on my schedule.
I think you will be pleasantly surprised and wish you the best

Last edited by HemiEd; 03-06-2025 at 01:42 PM..
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Old 03-06-2025, 01:37 PM   #141
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People get tired of hearing it from me but my Sole f63 treadmill is one of my favorite possessions. Half hour on it first thing every morning and I feel great. I am at 984 hours.
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Old 03-06-2025, 02:44 PM   #142
Mosbonian Mosbonian is offline
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Originally Posted by burt View Post
Cardiac Rehab is no biggie. Just very light supervised excercise. They will gradually increase it, but it NEVER got to traditional excercise. I think I was 61 so I was one of the young guys.

I don't know what they did for you, but they told me, the next one will be full bypass and that I am not a candidate for stints. That was when I weighed 280. Got all the way to 286. 222 today. I still have things I want to do. You do too, Mosbonian.

I'm currently in rehab for balance issues. It's WAY worse than Cardio Rehab. Getting oldd ain't for sissies!
This was my 2nd pass at stents....the Cardiologist advised that I can buy myself 3-5 more years of good health if I follow the rehab regimen before we have to go with bypass. Otherwise if I get lazy it could happen sooner...

I am planning to make the best of those surgery and enjoy my retirement. Got a couple of trips i want to take and at least one more big trip to DisneyWorld.
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Old 03-06-2025, 02:46 PM   #143
Mosbonian Mosbonian is offline
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Originally Posted by HemiEd View Post
Kind of ironic I am sitting in Springfield hospital lobby waiting on the Mrs.
I consider myself very experienced on cardiac rehab as I went through it in Illinois and Branson.

Their mission is to help overcome the habits we have developed that are the two parts of the 5 that we can control.
Diet and exercise
I went a couple times a week for a couple years to the Branson West facility until I decided to buy my own equipment and do it on my schedule.
I think you will be pleasantly surprised and wish you the best
Bad habits and work stress got me here to begin with....I plan to leave those in my past.

Good to hear that this won't be a daily regimen...
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Old 03-06-2025, 04:36 PM   #144
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Originally Posted by Mosbonian View Post
Bad habits and work stress got me here to begin with....I plan to leave those in my past.

Good to hear that this won't be a daily regimen...
Stress is a huge factor, glad to hear you are getting control of it. You have a huge advantage never having been a smoker.
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Old 03-06-2025, 04:43 PM   #145
Otter Otter is offline
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If I were able to go back and give myself advice I honestly think besides 'try to be the smartest guy at what you do' and 'don't give a shit what others think' it would be you in no way shape or form need to try to bench more than your body weight.

Honest stuff but your mileage may vary.
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If the Chiefs manage to grab Mahomes I officially claim him as my "adopt a Chief".
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Old 03-06-2025, 05:12 PM   #146
Mosbonian Mosbonian is offline
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Originally Posted by HemiEd View Post
Stress is a huge factor, glad to hear you are getting control of it. You have a huge advantage never having been a smoker.
While I need to take some responsibility for the stress in my life, there were always work factors that just enhanced the stress I was feeling.

Now that I am retired the stress is pretty much non-existant. Most of what I do these days are things I have always wanted to do that gives me satisfaction.
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Old 03-06-2025, 05:30 PM   #147
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Originally Posted by Mosbonian View Post
This was my 2nd pass at stents....the Cardiologist advised that I can buy myself 3-5 more years of good health if I follow the rehab regimen before we have to go with bypass. Otherwise if I get lazy it could happen sooner...

I am planning to make the best of those surgery and enjoy my retirement. Got a couple of trips i want to take and at least one more big trip to DisneyWorld.

I had really let myself go.rel="Lightbox"?s=6a9a9898f91b182ec686e7eef161a52a&attachmentid=128704&thumb=1&d=1741303557" class="thumbnail" border="0" alt="Click image for larger version Name: IMG_1450 Copy.jpg Views: 68 Size: 100.1 KB ID: 128704" style="margin: 2px" />

rel="Lightbox"?s=6a9a9898f91b182ec686e7eef161a52a&attachmentid=128705&thumb=1&d=1741303787" class="thumbnail" border="0" alt="Click image for larger version Name: 3036 Copy Copy.jpg Views: 57 Size: 23.6 KB ID: 128705" style="margin: 2px" />
A few years ago

64 lbs, so far. I still have things to do. Including get to know my 37 year old "new son and his family. (2 new grand babies, 4 and 8)
Originally Posted by DJ's left nut View Post
The Chiefs offense is a machine of focus, commitment, sheer will. It will come for you and you will do nothing. Because you can do nothing.
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Old 03-06-2025, 05:49 PM   #148
Mosbonian Mosbonian is offline
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Originally Posted by burt View Post
I had really let myself go.Attachment 128704

Attachment 128705
A few years ago

64 lbs, so far. I still have things to do. Including get to know my 37 year old "new son and his family. (2 new grand babies, 4 and 8)
Congratulations on the change!

Looking so much better....

My peak weight was September of 22 when I was weighing 275lbs....my weight the other day was 203 lbs.

My goal is 193 lbs..
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Old 03-06-2025, 06:04 PM   #149
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Originally Posted by Mosbonian View Post
Congratulations on the change!

Looking so much better....

My peak weight was September of 22 when I was weighing 275lbs....my weight the other day was 203 lbs.

My goal is 193 lbs..
My goal is 200. (How tall are you?) It gets easier when you cut out soda, almost all processed food, all fast food and portion control. PLUS, I want to put off "the next one" that will be full bypass. It sounds like you made some lifestyle changes. I truly wish for the best for you. (Not overly religious, but might just sneak in a quick prayer for you)
Originally Posted by DJ's left nut View Post
The Chiefs offense is a machine of focus, commitment, sheer will. It will come for you and you will do nothing. Because you can do nothing.
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Old 03-06-2025, 07:25 PM   #150
Mosbonian Mosbonian is offline
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Originally Posted by burt View Post
My goal is 200. (How tall are you?) It gets easier when you cut out soda, almost all processed food, all fast food and portion control. PLUS, I want to put off "the next one" that will be full bypass. It sounds like you made some lifestyle changes. I truly wish for the best for you. (Not overly religious, but might just sneak in a quick prayer for you)
I am 5'9"....

I pretty much stopped drinking soda 7 years ago....save for 1 8 oz can of ginger ale 2 times a week. Mostly drink unsweetened decaf tea and water....I limit my fast food intake and eat mostly home cooked. My next step is to see what I have at home that is not good for me.

And I welcome any prayers from anyone!
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