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View Poll Results: What Lever You Flippin??
Yes 16 14.16%
No 16 14.16%
I don't live in Jackson County, but would vote Yes 59 52.21%
I don't live in Jackson County, but would vote No 22 19.47%
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Old 03-28-2024, 08:28 AM  
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Stadium Watch 2024 -Jackson County Residents: How Are You Voting?

Vote in this poll if you actually live in Jackson county.

We've all shared our opinions in the other thread. But who gives a shit what somebody in Platte County or Johnson County or Phoenix or NYC thinks. We're all just noise.
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Old 06-24-2024, 11:03 AM   #2101
BryanBusby BryanBusby is offline
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Originally Posted by Pauly D View Post
They'd have to demolish a ton of property there surely? If they go to JoCo I'd expect they would go to one of the big developments with a ton of open land like Bluhawk or Lenexa City Center. Maybe the old Sprint Campus.
The old sprint area would be a big ol mess but hey tailgating at Cheesecake Factory
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Old 06-24-2024, 11:17 AM   #2102
Titty Meat Titty Meat is offline
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Old 06-24-2024, 12:04 PM   #2103
DrunkBassGuitar DrunkBassGuitar is offline
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Originally Posted by suzzer99 View Post
How about a stadium half in KS and half in MO? That would be pretty damn unique. Have State Line go right down the center of the field from home plate to second base to the outfield.
not a terrible idea but would be really weird for taxes. which state does the player getting paid pay taxes to? what about concessions?
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Old 06-24-2024, 12:13 PM   #2104
Dartgod Dartgod is offline
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Originally Posted by DrunkBassGuitar View Post
not a terrible idea but would be really weird for taxes. which state does the player getting paid pay taxes to? what about concessions?
Kansas, I would think. Unless they hit a home run into Missouri. Then they would owe a prorated chunk of that game check to MO.
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Old 06-24-2024, 12:47 PM   #2105
Katipan Katipan is offline
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Is the homerun hit at the plate?
Or is it only a homerun once it flies over the fence?

I think I could argue either and I didn't even go to lawyer school.
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Old 06-24-2024, 12:49 PM   #2106
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Originally Posted by BryanBusby View Post
The old sprint area would be a big ol mess but hey tailgating at Cheesecake Factory

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Old 06-24-2024, 12:54 PM   #2107
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Originally Posted by Kiimo View Post
Dean Spanos put it to a vote hey build me a stadium in the middle of downtown where I plan to pay not one dime and **** traffic up even more than it already is for like 7 years!

And the people of San Diego said uh, hey you cash-starved wannabe billionaire go **** yourself.

So he packed up and left. And it's really sad because Dean couldn't even afford to build a stadium so now he has a LANDLORD who is a direct competitor for eyeballs in the same city and nobody gives a shit about them at all.

And the saddest thing is...it worked. The team is worth more than ever before and they actually have a good team and the San Diego fans are shit out of luck with nothing but their own righteous indignation to cheer for. They were right to tell him to shove it, he wanted to totally screw up downtown.

He also knew they would vote it down. He honestly should be dragged into the street and tarred and feathered then sent out on a barge into the Pacific Ocean.
I get this isn't a thread about the Chargers, but didn't they just pick in the top 5 in the draft a couple of months ago?
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Old 06-24-2024, 03:19 PM   #2108
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Originally Posted by Coogs View Post
I get this isn't a thread about the Chargers, but didn't they just pick in the top 5 in the draft a couple of months ago?
Imagining that the Chargers don't have talent and that that talent isn't going to be utilized by John Harbaugh is kind of silly.

They had a fake coach a fake coordinator and a hurt QB last season.
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Old 07-10-2024, 11:21 PM   #2109
vonBobo vonBobo is offline

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Lol. **** both of these teams. They see the trash and the homeless and the abandoned homes as their limo driver bashes through Missouri potholes, knowing that they are leaving a deficit. They know every dollar they make is another dollar that a small local business doesn't get. And then they threaten to leave because we haven't given them enough? They should be ashamed.

And the self righteous, demeaning, vote yes trolls can go drink MO river water.

Speaking of The Current, anyone here enjoyed the "parking" situation at a match yet? 5 minutes into that experience and you would vote no the rest of your life.

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Old 07-10-2024, 11:46 PM   #2110
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And there you heard it from Frank. He's not going to endorse a deal where the city loses money to billionaires for the next 40 years. You Frank haters need to check the real reasons why you really hate him and also stop the love affair for the billionaires on welfare.
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Old 07-11-2024, 06:33 AM   #2111
-King- -King- is offline
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I really don't understand how pointing out sports owners are billionaire changes the situation. Do you guys create and watch your own produced puppet shows to avoid giving the Hollywood billionaires any money? Do you just starve to avoid giving the farming billionaires money or raise your own food out back?

If you don't want to pay the tax, fine, but I don't see how Clark being a billionaire is that big of a point.
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Old 07-11-2024, 07:16 AM   #2112
Rainbarrel Rainbarrel is offline
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Got to go Raiders here and play at the K while Arrowhead is completely renovated to current specs. The fountain can go
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Old 07-11-2024, 07:28 AM   #2113
tredadda tredadda is offline
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Originally Posted by vonBobo View Post
Lol. **** both of these teams. They see the trash and the homeless and the abandoned homes as their limo driver bashes through Missouri potholes, knowing that they are leaving a deficit. They know every dollar they make is another dollar that a small local business doesn't get. And then they threaten to leave because we haven't given them enough? They should be ashamed.

And the self righteous, demeaning, vote yes trolls can go drink MO river water.

Speaking of The Current, anyone here enjoyed the "parking" situation at a match yet? 5 minutes into that experience and you would vote no the rest of your life.

Originally Posted by vonBobo View Post

And there you heard it from Frank. He's not going to endorse a deal where the city loses money to billionaires for the next 40 years. You Frank haters need to check the real reasons why you really hate him and also stop the love affair for the billionaires on welfare.
Goodness you are miserable. Do you ever think or post anything positive?

Stadiums keep teams in an area and sports teams are a source of civic pride. That’s why when they win a championship you see huge parades. Fans cheer them on and celebrate despite them being owned by billionaires and residents paying to help fund stadiums.
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Old 07-11-2024, 07:41 AM   #2114
Discuss Thrower Discuss Thrower is offline
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Originally Posted by -King- View Post
I really don't understand how pointing out sports owners are billionaire changes the situation. Do you guys create and watch your own produced puppet shows to avoid giving the Hollywood billionaires any money? Do you just starve to avoid giving the farming billionaires money or raise your own food out back?

If you don't want to pay the tax, fine, but I don't see how Clark being a billionaire is that big of a point.

Because billions = can pay for it himself.

Didn't finish the math because I was done with the shitter, but when I likened the loan Verizon took out to acquire Vodafone to the hypothetical deal Clark would have to make in order to finance a stadium himself, it wasn't anywhere near the amount needed to build a "sufficient" stadium.
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Old 07-11-2024, 07:52 AM   #2115
O.city O.city is offline
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Originally Posted by tredadda View Post
Goodness you are miserable. Do you ever think or post anything positive?

Stadiums keep teams in an area and sports teams are a source of civic pride. That’s why when they win a championship you see huge parades. Fans cheer them on and celebrate despite them being owned by billionaires and residents paying to help fund stadiums.
I think the "civic pride" is kinda overlooked when the city infrastructure is falling apart?
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