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View Poll Results: What Lever You Flippin??
Yes 16 14.16%
No 16 14.16%
I don't live in Jackson County, but would vote Yes 59 52.21%
I don't live in Jackson County, but would vote No 22 19.47%
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Old 03-28-2024, 08:28 AM  
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Stadium Watch 2024 -Jackson County Residents: How Are You Voting?

Vote in this poll if you actually live in Jackson county.

We've all shared our opinions in the other thread. But who gives a shit what somebody in Platte County or Johnson County or Phoenix or NYC thinks. We're all just noise.
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Old 04-02-2024, 08:45 PM   #526
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So does this mean we’re the St. Louis Chiefs? Or more like the Gladstone or Parkville Chiefs?
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Old 04-02-2024, 08:45 PM   #527
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Originally Posted by Titty Meat View Post
I think the Royals could scale back and just focus on keeping businesses around and revitalize the old buildings around the area. Would be able to get private dollars plus money from the city
They could focus on turning the East Village into something instead of trying to shoehorn themselves into an already thriving district.

And just build an awesome stadium and abandon the dipshit entertainment district idea
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Old 04-02-2024, 08:45 PM   #528
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Originally Posted by RINGLEADER View Post
So does this mean we’re the St. Louis Chiefs? Or more like the Gladstone or Parkville Chiefs?
Bonner Springs Chiefs.
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Old 04-02-2024, 08:46 PM   #529
Arch Stanton Arch Stanton is offline

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The property tax scam put everbody in a bad mood, when it come ta raisin taxes.

The Royals stadium location sucked, and everbody knew it.

Wipin out section 8 houses scared the crap outta a lot of people.

If there's $ in building the stadiums, the city/county can issue tax free municipal bonds ta pay for buildin the stadiums, and pay off the bonds with alla the money .gov "makes" off the stadiums. Easy.

Cept .gov doesn't make money, it can only take money.

Fans that want the stadium built can sign a contract ta pay for a personal seat license or option ta buy season tickets at a discount, ta finance the construction.
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Old 04-02-2024, 08:47 PM   #530
DJ's left nut DJ's left nut is offline
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Originally Posted by RunKC View Post
Can you blame Clark? Arrowhead is a depreciating asset. It’s over 50 years old. There’s so much renovating that will need to be done in the coming years. Even the damn ceiling broke on Chris Jones in an interview last year.

I think Clark know that it will cost a shit ton of money to upkeep an old stadium and his thought process is that it isn’t worth it. Might as well get money for a new one in that case.

And honestly Legends is a far better place business wise. Getting a “no” vote gives Clark the excuse to move
I don't disagree.

I'd leave as well. The Independence area just never developed like other parts of KC. And most of that was bad local leadership, IMO. But some of it may have just been bad luck.

In either even, the proposal is crap. He'd probably have a better chance of getting a whole new stadium built there under a similar cost split.
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Old 04-02-2024, 08:47 PM   #531
IowaHawkeyeChief IowaHawkeyeChief is offline
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Originally Posted by RINGLEADER View Post
So does this mean we’re the St. Louis Chiefs? Or more like the Gladstone or Parkville Chiefs?
It will still be the KC Chiefs... hell the Giants and Jets are in NJ.
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Old 04-02-2024, 08:47 PM   #532
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Originally Posted by Pepe Silvia View Post
Remember when I called that and you told me f*** you.
Not really.

I don't really care about the Royals much. I care about losing fans if the Chiefs move to Kansas.
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Old 04-02-2024, 08:48 PM   #533
Discuss Thrower Discuss Thrower is offline
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Originally Posted by IowaHawkeyeChief View Post
No, why would they, plenty of options for it to be funded.
Jackson County voters have soundly rejected such a notion.

Moving a few miles North and West will magically make a difference?
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Old 04-02-2024, 08:48 PM   #534
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Originally Posted by Discuss Thrower View Post
Will Hunt and Sherman privately fund their own stadiums?

But there's a middle ground between full private funding and throwing $600 million at the Hunt family to build luxury suites and otherwise shit in the fanbase.
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Old 04-02-2024, 08:48 PM   #535
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I voted for it.

On the other hand, it sucks that a source of pride and benefit for this entire city/ area must be funded by just one county. In an ideal world, that burden would be spread out to all who benefit.
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Old 04-02-2024, 08:49 PM   #536
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Originally Posted by Pablo View Post
They could focus on turning the East Village into something instead of trying to shoehorn themselves into an already thriving district.

And just build an awesome stadium and abandon the dipshit entertainment district idea
I think there are some major issues with the EV and the highway which I'm not sure MoDot budges on. Also Cordish liked the the Crossroads because it's basically right across the street from P&L.
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Old 04-02-2024, 08:49 PM   #537
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Originally Posted by Arch Stanton View Post
The property tax scam put everbody in a bad mood, when it come ta raisin taxes.

The Royals stadium location sucked, and everbody knew it.

Wipin out section 8 houses scared the crap outta a lot of people.

If there's $ in building the stadiums, the city/county can issue tax free municipal bonds ta pay for buildin the stadiums, and pay off the bonds with alla the money .gov "makes" off the stadiums. Easy.

Cept .gov doesn't make money, it can only take money.

Fans that want the stadium built can sign a contract ta pay for a personal seat license or option ta buy season tickets at a discount, ta finance the construction.
Plenty of other counties, and Kansas willing to have a 3/8 cent sales tax...
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Old 04-02-2024, 08:49 PM   #538
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Originally Posted by ghak99 View Post
I don't think this vote had anything to do with the Chiefs. The Royals process and proposal was so poorly handled all the discussion was shitting on them and the Chiefs were barely even being discussed.
I think there is much more to it than that. There is a larger theme of class warfare happening. I just wish these sorry-ass poors were consistent with their poor voting and life choices

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Old 04-02-2024, 08:50 PM   #539
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Originally Posted by MVChiefFan View Post
I’m sorry, it all just makes me kind of sad. Yeah, the Royals have been shitty, but they’re OUR shitty Royals. These are teams that were here long before I was born. Teams that I’ve watched since I was a three year old sitting on my dad’s lap.

I don’t care if they suck, I love going to Royals games and enjoying the entire atmosphere. It just kind of sucks, in my opinion. And, honestly, it’s kind of stupid for people to be giddy about the possibility of them not improving things, or worse, moving elsewhere.
They're not going anywhere.

This was a shit plan, the marketing was extortion, it was stupid all around.

I strongly opposed the plan because of where they wanted it, but also because there's literally nothing detailed in writing other than some picture mockups and vague promises. It was a shit show.

Come back with a better plan, put the details in writing, and we'll take a look.

I'm not opposed to the concept, but this was ridiculous.
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Old 04-02-2024, 08:50 PM   #540
IowaHawkeyeChief IowaHawkeyeChief is offline
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Originally Posted by Discuss Thrower View Post
Jackson County voters have soundly rejected such a notion.

Moving a few miles North and West will magically make a difference?
absolutely, it will be the Chiefs moving on their own. It will win in a landside on the Kansas side.
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