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Old 08-12-2014, 04:26 PM  
ROYC75 ROYC75 is offline
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Old 08-31-2022, 01:38 PM   #47251
RaidersOftheCellar RaidersOftheCellar is offline
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Originally Posted by DomCasual View Post
Okay, let me just bottom line this for you - for accuracy.

How many times have you been banned over there? Your trash talk there would get any one of us banned here. I can give you recent examples.

It’s okay. When I say I like CP, I am being completely sincere. But don’t pretend it’s some bastion for free and intelligent speech, while we are a bunch of snowflakes. The evidence simply doesn’t support it.
He's referring to the common posters, not the mods.

Denver fans say that the mods are thin-skinned here, but is that actually true? That GROB douche got banned recently, and I'm not sure why, but how often does it happen? There are plenty of Denver fans and others who talk constant shit here without getting banned.
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Old 08-31-2022, 01:41 PM   #47252
Tges58 Tges58 is offline

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Originally Posted by DomCasual View Post
Okay, let me just bottom line this for you - for accuracy.

How many times have you been banned over there? Your trash talk there would get any one of us banned here. I can give you recent examples.

It’s okay. When I say I like CP, I am being completely sincere. But don’t pretend it’s some bastion for free and intelligent speech, while we are a bunch of snowflakes. The evidence simply doesn’t support it.
So what you are saying is this board has more class than the Orange Puddle. Tell us something we don't know.

As far as my trash talk, go back and read what was posted to me right before that.

Yes your fanbase ARE a bunch of snowflakes.. Your thin-skinned asses have no answer to my post except snide namecalling.

Sorry, but it's true.
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Old 08-31-2022, 01:54 PM   #47253
RaidersOftheCellar RaidersOftheCellar is offline
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Originally Posted by Quesadilla Joe View Post
Many people are saying...

First off, what kind of moron makes a statement like this before seeing any of the draft picks play? Half of them haven't even been drafted.

Netting 7 dudes, including multiple high picks, and dodging having to pay a whiner with declining athleticism $60 million/yr = one of the worst trades in history?

They would have to totally botch the draft picks for that to be anywhere close to the truth.
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Old 08-31-2022, 02:07 PM   #47254
Mile High Mania Mile High Mania is online now
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Originally Posted by RaidersOftheCellar View Post
Someone just quoted a post of you saying that Keesum could take you to the SB.

There is zero chance that you weren't hyping "Horse Cock Lock" after his first year. All Denver fans were.
I would be impressed if you found a post from me that was hyping Lock. I did my best to put lipstick on that pig and hope for the best. In the game or three where he looked good, I was probably positive in comments afterwards. But, I think Trevor was the last guy that I was like "well, maybe... maybe he can do this", but I never really bought in. Flacco, Keenum, Teddy... there never was a lot of hope there.
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Old 08-31-2022, 02:12 PM   #47255
DomCasual DomCasual is offline
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Originally Posted by RaidersOftheCellar View Post
He's referring to the common posters, not the mods.

Denver fans say that the mods are thin-skinned here, but is that actually true? That GROB douche got banned recently, and I'm not sure why, but how often does it happen? There are plenty of Denver fans and others who talk constant shit here without getting banned.
Look, I have never said that. I know how unforgiving being a moderator on a board like this can be. And honestly, I don't know why GROB was banned here. I was just responding to a comment made by someone about the differences between the two boards. And the fact is, to date (and granted, this is in just over a year), we haven't banned a Chiefs fan. It will happen eventually. But we are anything but knee-jerk.

Had I wanted to hit him more at the knees, I would have asked him how he could possibly know, since he has 59 posts and a very red REP schlong here. But that would have been unkind.
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Old 08-31-2022, 02:13 PM   #47256
Pitt Gorilla Pitt Gorilla is offline
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Originally Posted by Mile High Mania View Post
I would be impressed if you found a post from me that was hyping Lock. I did my best to put lipstick on that pig and hope for the best. In the game or three where he looked good, I was probably positive in comments afterwards. But, I think Trevor was the last guy that I was like "well, maybe... maybe he can do this", but I never really bought in. Flacco, Keenum, Teddy... there never was a lot of hope there.
It's been pretty impressive to watch donk fan hype up every GM, HC, QB, and draft pick they've had.

Your son is a bench warmer because of your weak genetics not because of the coach

Norlin Mommsen is disgusting.
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Old 08-31-2022, 02:20 PM   #47257
DomCasual DomCasual is offline
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Originally Posted by Tges58 View Post
So what you are saying is this board has more class than the Orange Puddle. Tell us something we don't know.

As far as my trash talk, go back and read what was posted to me right before that.

Yes your fanbase ARE a bunch of snowflakes.. Your thin-skinned asses have no answer to my post except snide namecalling.

Sorry, but it's true.
As I have told you several times, our fans are going to be given a longer leash with opposing fans. You can't come to a Broncos board, spout the stuff you spout, and expect to get a friendly, gracious response. There have been a few times we have given quiet warnings to our fans in that situation, basically asking them to tone it down. That's generally going to be the extent of it, unless they just go off the rails after we asked them to stop.

If I remember correctly, you pretty early in your time there made a crass remark about the Columbine shooting. Really bad idea on a Denver board. Those wounds are still fresh. (I personally had a niece and nephew who were in the Columbine cafeteria when it happened. Thank God, they were sitting fairly close to an exit. But I have been on a boat with my now-adult niece when someone let off a firework, and I watched her immediate reaction of cowering and crying. My nephew, it didn't seem to phase. But my niece has PTSD, and has gotten lots of therapy for it. Columbine smack is not cool. At all.)
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Old 08-31-2022, 04:11 PM   #47258
Tges58 Tges58 is offline

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Originally Posted by DomCasual View Post
As I have told you several times, our fans are going to be given a longer leash with opposing fans. You can't come to a Broncos board, spout the stuff you spout, and expect to get a friendly, gracious response. There have been a few times we have given quiet warnings to our fans in that situation, basically asking them to tone it down. That's generally going to be the extent of it, unless they just go off the rails after we asked them to stop.

If I remember correctly, you pretty early in your time there made a crass remark about the Columbine shooting. Really bad idea on a Denver board. Those wounds are still fresh. (I personally had a niece and nephew who were in the Columbine cafeteria when it happened. Thank God, they were sitting fairly close to an exit. But I have been on a boat with my now-adult niece when someone let off a firework, and I watched her immediate reaction of cowering and crying. My nephew, it didn't seem to phase. But my niece has PTSD, and has gotten lots of therapy for it. Columbine smack is not cool. At all.)
Are you mental?Lke I said I didn't start in on the personal attacks till your fanbase started in on. me.

As far as Columbine. I made ONE.comment. and thar was in response to your boards constant crude tasteless remarks.about the Belcher tragedy, not to mention your libelous crap about Tyreek Hill. Typical two faced bullshit from the biggest hypocrites of any message board.out there. Fresh?? What was that, 20 years ago? Get over it.
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Old 08-31-2022, 04:23 PM   #47259
KCTitus KCTitus is offline
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Originally Posted by Quesadilla Joe View Post
No, they would've drafted Rosen. CP hated Josh Allen.
You didnt like Allen either...

I'll just leave this here:

Originally Posted by Quesadilla Joe View Post
Allen is the only QB I'd be hesitant about drafting. If Saquon and Allen are sitting there I'd probably go Saquon and let Lynch and Kelly develop behind Keenum. I'm taking any of the other 3 QB's if they're there at 5.

There's just too many good players who'll be there at 5 to draft Nelson, and Nelson isn't a perfect fit either because we'd have to play him or Leary out of position.

Originally Posted by Quesadilla Joe View Post
I have made my opinions on the QB's very clear. But ICYMI:

1. I want Darnold or Mayfield. I'd be willing to give up next years first for Darnold.

2. I'm concerned about Rosen holding up behind our OL.

3. I'd pass on Allen if Barkley or Chubb are sitting there. I'd rather try my luck with Lynch or Kelly developing behind Keenum than take the risk with Josh Allen.

4. I'm completely disinterested in any of the QB's outside of the big four.


Emphasis added...for effect.
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Old 08-31-2022, 04:25 PM   #47260
TEX TEX is offline
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Originally Posted by KCTitus View Post
You didnt like Allen either...

I'll just leave this here:



Emphasis added...for effect.
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Old 08-31-2022, 04:29 PM   #47261
Quesadilla Joe Quesadilla Joe is offline
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Originally Posted by KCTitus View Post
You didnt like Allen either...

I'll just leave this here:



Emphasis added...for effect.
I didn't want Allen solely due to the bust potential. I was the only person on CP who defended him, though, and even had his as my avatar for a week or two.
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Old 08-31-2022, 04:34 PM   #47262
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Originally Posted by Quesadilla Joe View Post
I didn't want Allen solely due to the bust potential. I was the only person on CP who defended him, though, and even had his as my avatar for a week or two.
Eff that...show your receipts or live with your words.
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Old 08-31-2022, 04:35 PM   #47263
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Originally Posted by Quesadilla Joe View Post
I didn't want Allen...
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Old 08-31-2022, 04:40 PM   #47264
DomCasual DomCasual is offline
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Originally Posted by Tges58 View Post
Are you mental?Lke I said I didn't start in on the personal attacks till your fanbase started in on. me.

As far as Columbine. I made ONE.comment. and thar was in response to your boards constant crude tasteless remarks.about the Belcher tragedy, not to mention your libelous crap about Tyreek Hill. Typical two faced bullshit from the biggest hypocrites of any message board.out there. Fresh?? What was that, 20 years ago? Get over it.
I won’t debate it here with you. People are smart enough to judge you, based on your own words. You made some claims. I refuted them with truth. That’s all. You’re still welcome there. But you know the deal now. You clearly don’t get along well with others. Don’t expect protection on our board when you act like that.
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Old 08-31-2022, 04:46 PM   #47265
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Originally Posted by Mile High Mania View Post
Sweet, so this is a 10-11 win season, possibly playoffs? I’m excited again.
You’re happy about a rigged contest?
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