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Old 12-19-2021, 05:22 PM  
Ming the Merciless Ming the Merciless is offline
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Traitors, Losers and Cowards from the day of battle ( GDT gems) (2021+)

In this thread we will celebrate the biggest pussies and cowards of the planet. I will add


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Old 12-19-2021, 06:20 PM   #91
Ming the Merciless Ming the Merciless is offline
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Originally Posted by Mosbonian View Post
So, no....one one gets to call me anything but a true Chief's fan even if I get mad at Pat for some silly plays and call him out on it.

1) read this thread again
2) go back and read the GDT again

there are MANY posts down on pat for some plays and what not. thats not what this thread is about. to imply that is what this thread is about is dishonest.
I passed by hundreds of posts critical of pat's play at times....pat made some awful throws Thursday night. Thats got zero to do with this thread...come on man...
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Old 12-19-2021, 06:21 PM   #92
Ming the Merciless Ming the Merciless is offline
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Originally Posted by -King- View Post
I guess making this thread is one way to spend a Sunday

youve got 60k posts here

link to to 5 of your best OP threads
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Old 12-19-2021, 06:21 PM   #93
Chief Roundup Chief Roundup is offline
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Originally Posted by Wallcrawler View Post
Says the little girl crying for a thread to be removed and feelings hurt about its intent.

Try saying the dumb shit you post out loud before posting. Thatcway you can hear how ****ing stupid you sound and possibly reconsider.
Wow, you don't even know what crying actually reads like, but hey you can't even spell check or just read your own posts without catching your mistakes.

I didn't say anything dumb. I just don't give a shit about what most people post in GDTs. It is a thread that is going to be full of emotion a lot of which is going to be spewed by a bunch of dudes that have been drinking. These games are full of emotional swings and people are going to be just as high and as low as those swings. You are an absolute ****ing idiotic moron to think that people are going to be able to not comment about those swings when they are happening to them.
But as a WallCrawler I guess it doesn't take much to send you up the wall.
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Old 12-19-2021, 06:22 PM   #94
Wallcrawler Wallcrawler is offline
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Originally Posted by -King- View Post
I guess making this thread is one way to spend a Sunday
Nice stance you have. Disagrees with the premise, yet can't refrain from participating.

Originally Posted by dlphag9 View Post
If your mom and wife/fiance/girlfriend switched bodies, and you can only change it back by having sex with one of them, which one would you choose?
Originally Posted by dlphag9 View Post
Just got done watching some highlights and I would take Jamaal Charles over Sayers.
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Old 12-19-2021, 06:23 PM   #95
JohnnyHammersticks JohnnyHammersticks is offline
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Originally Posted by KChiefs1 View Post
I don’t believe 493 & Showtime are Chiefs fans.

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Good job with this thread. Long overdue.

493rd's vag bleeds every single week like clockwork. Just a negative person whose life must really suck. Can't wait to start bitching. Over a freaking game for pete's sake. Nobody who's having even the slightest bit of success in life does that.
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Old 12-19-2021, 06:23 PM   #96
Curé Curé is offline

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huh. i thought this was a place where chiefs fans talked about the team, not where a bunch of panty wearing sissies pee their pants.

hey pussies. the chiefs are comin. and hell's coming with them. go suck yo momma's teat.
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Old 12-19-2021, 06:24 PM   #97
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Old 12-19-2021, 06:24 PM   #98
Ming the Merciless Ming the Merciless is offline
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Originally Posted by Wallcrawler View Post
Nice stance you have. Disagrees with the premise, yet can't refrain from participating.


LOL exactly...

"what a waste of time"

(yet has 2x the posts of most people...)

and complains about discussion on a message board HAHAHAHA
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Old 12-19-2021, 06:25 PM   #99
Mosbonian Mosbonian is offline
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Originally Posted by Pawnmower View Post
1) read this thread again
2) go back and read the GDT again

there are MANY posts down on pat for some plays and what not. thats not what this thread is about. to imply that is what this thread is about is dishonest.
I passed by hundreds of posts critical of pat's play at times....pat made some awful throws Thursday night. Thats got zero to do with this thread...come on man...
I've read this thread....several times before posting. Your intent is evident. We'll just have to disagree on how we each view it.

I was in the game thread...I read some of the silly stuff. I'm just not so enraged by it that I feel the need to call out people. Not my style.

Besides.....I have had my moments too.
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Old 12-19-2021, 06:26 PM   #100
Bearcat Bearcat is offline
Would an idiot do that?
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Originally Posted by 4th and Long View Post
Just 6?
I did a quick cross-reference and 5 of the 6 made OP's list (not necessarily the post that got them booted), and I remember the 6th was for some random political comment.

But yeah, there are so many posts in such a short time, I personally read maybe the most recent 10 or so when I click into it.... and one dumb post most likely won't get anyone booted. I personally look for someone who's clearly off the rails to the point of assuming they're trolling for attention and not necessarily just being an idiot.
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Old 12-19-2021, 06:28 PM   #101
Wallcrawler Wallcrawler is offline
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Originally Posted by Chief Roundup View Post
Wow, you don't even know what crying actually reads like, but hey you can't even spell check or just read your own posts without catching your mistakes.

I didn't say anything dumb. I just don't give a shit about what most people post in GDTs. It is a thread that is going to be full of emotion a lot of which is going to be spewed by a bunch of dudes that have been drinking. These games are full of emotional swings and people are going to be just as high and as low as those swings. You are an absolute ****ing idiotic moron to think that people are going to be able to not comment about those swings when they are happening to them.
But as a WallCrawler I guess it doesn't take much to send you up the wall.
Waaaah. Waaaaah. This thread should be rompered.

Waaaaah. Waaaaah. The intent is obvious.

Waaaah. Waaaaah. People are drunk and aren't responsible for being little bitches.

Cry more bitch. Your tears are delicious.
Originally Posted by dlphag9 View Post
If your mom and wife/fiance/girlfriend switched bodies, and you can only change it back by having sex with one of them, which one would you choose?
Originally Posted by dlphag9 View Post
Just got done watching some highlights and I would take Jamaal Charles over Sayers.
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Old 12-19-2021, 06:29 PM   #102
Chief Roundup Chief Roundup is offline
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Originally Posted by Wallcrawler View Post
Waaaah. Waaaaah. This thread should be rompered.

Waaaaah. Waaaaah. The intent is obvious.

Waaaah. Waaaaah. People are drunk and aren't responsible for being little bitches.

Cry more bitch. Your tears are delicious.
Wow, you are easily defeated. That is why your vagina is so sore. You must really like to have it pushed in. Billay and the Rabbi can't even help you out to get a release.
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Old 12-19-2021, 06:30 PM   #103
Ming the Merciless Ming the Merciless is offline
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Originally Posted by Mosbonian View Post
Besides.....I have had my moments too.
thats not the point

I didnt call out anyone for a moment of critical commentary about a play by pat, as you stated in your first post

I called out people for literally giving up. all of the timestamps are in there. People gave up in the 1st half.
down by less than a score...tied...with a long time left in the game. talking about how pat is "broken" and "sucks now" etc....
with the GREATEST qb this team has ever seen at the helm with plenty of time to go..all the while i did NOT include just ordinary
negative critique of his play...(as there was tons, that was deserved)

you are being very selective in your reading of this
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Old 12-19-2021, 06:31 PM   #104
WilliamTheIrish WilliamTheIrish is offline
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Hilarious. I did this at the end of our SB victory thread.

This has noth8g to do with “decades of Chiefdom” or whatever other excuse.

I’ve heard the term “(player x) shit down his leg on this play”.

People who post that shit in the second quarter can have their fecal material and eat it too.
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Old 12-19-2021, 06:33 PM   #105
kysirsoze kysirsoze is offline
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Originally Posted by Mosbonian View Post
There were 3 momentum changes in the game that could have killed us.....

1) Pringle's stupidity in bringing the ball out

2) Pat's loss of a fumble...regardless of whether it was a good defensive play or not

3) Pat's misread of the Interception by the Defensive End...

The nice thing about it...Pat came back and redeemed himself.

But don't kid yourself....Staley's stupidity helped contribute to our ability to come back
It was incomplete. Patrick had struggles in the game, but that was a blown call by the refs. Kinda weird to see Chiefs fans (not just you) using that play to criticize Mahomes when the replay was so clear.
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