Thread: Movies and TV Buffy the Vampire Slayer Marathon
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Old 07-24-2013, 10:34 PM   #30
kaplin42 kaplin42 is offline
Thats Right, Sniff the Glue!!!
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Originally Posted by JD10367 View Post
Robia LaMorte (Ms. Calendar), Emma Caulfield (Anya), Michelle Trachtenberg (Dawn, but the now-legal version), Eliza Dushku (Faith), Juliet Landau (Drusilla), Mercedes McNab (Harmony), Iyari Limon (Willow's new girlfriend in the last season), Clare Kramer (Glory), Julie Benz (Darla)... So much boinkability it's not funny.
Yeah what this guy said.
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kaplin42 would the whole thing.kaplin42 would the whole thing.kaplin42 would the whole thing.kaplin42 would the whole thing.kaplin42 would the whole thing.kaplin42 would the whole thing.kaplin42 would the whole thing.kaplin42 would the whole thing.kaplin42 would the whole thing.kaplin42 would the whole thing.kaplin42 would the whole thing.
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