Thread: Movies and TV Buffy the Vampire Slayer Marathon
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Old 07-22-2013, 06:27 PM   #18
IowaChiefs83 IowaChiefs83 is offline

Join Date: Apr 2013
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You all are making me wanting to break out my Buffy box set over here!

I ignored the series when it was on air back when I was in highschool. It was a teenage girl cult following and I was to busy watching WWF/WWE. Then one morning I woke up earlier than normal and I couldn't fall asleep. I turned on the TV only to find nothing on. I happened upon an episode of Buffy where Andrew was sacrificing Johnathon. Liked it enough to buy the first season and got hooked.
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IowaChiefs83 is the dumbass Milkman is always talking aboutIowaChiefs83 is the dumbass Milkman is always talking aboutIowaChiefs83 is the dumbass Milkman is always talking aboutIowaChiefs83 is the dumbass Milkman is always talking aboutIowaChiefs83 is the dumbass Milkman is always talking aboutIowaChiefs83 is the dumbass Milkman is always talking aboutIowaChiefs83 is the dumbass Milkman is always talking aboutIowaChiefs83 is the dumbass Milkman is always talking aboutIowaChiefs83 is the dumbass Milkman is always talking aboutIowaChiefs83 is the dumbass Milkman is always talking aboutIowaChiefs83 is the dumbass Milkman is always talking about
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