Originally Posted by unnecessary drama
the thing about said coed is
here is our story:
last Tuesday I was at my favorite bar, of course...and I was standing at the fence at the beer garden berating every hot girl that went by...
well these two coeds decided to come in...students are gone; campus is dead...we were the only people really there...about 15 people total actually
well I was sitting at a table with my 2 best friends...and there was 1 open seat
2 girls
so they go and get drinks, I think nothing of it
they come out to hang out with us because clearly I'm super witty and amazing and stuff
the other girl takes the seat
and I'm like..
"ohhh...guess you're gonna have to sit on my lap!"
to which she's like "ok, cool."
then my two friends flipped a quarter for $20
the one who always loses lost...and the other guy ripped the $40 in half to prove some sort of point
the girl is like...."oh you'll just tape it back together..."
and you never challenge my friend's manhood like that
so he proceeded to tear the $40 into 1000 pieces and throw it like confetti...which appalled the other girl
but back to me
so I, being me, got super, super, super blacked out and the next thing I knew it was 6 AM and my alarm was going off
I was in my bed, with said girl...with no clothes on...
and I had no recollection of leaving the bar, didn't know the girls name, had no idea why my alarm was set to 6 AM...so I just kind of lifted the covers up and looked at her butt cheeks and I was like..."cool"
that's our story so far

This shit always cracks me up. I believe you too. On all of it. So my question is, do you take herpes medicine? Statistically speaking, you're a lock. So don't even deny it. But hey, a minor inconvenience for all of that ass.