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Old 05-21-2013, 01:57 PM   #3293
philfree philfree is offline
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Originally Posted by 'Hamas' Jenkins View Post
Without seeing your swing it's hard to tell exactly, but when you line up square with your driver you might consider pulling your right foot back a few inches. It will encourage a path more from the inside, which will help eliminate the cut.

A few things of note:

If the ball starts right of the target it means that you are hitting the ball from the inside. If it starts left of the target it means that you are hitting from the outside. How the ball curves after starting is determined by your grip and release.

Pull hook--outside path, strong release.
Pull slice (most common swing for amateurs)--outside path, weak release
Push hook inside path, strong release
Push slice--inside path, weak release.
I don't know about all this.

Most shots are missed or results determined before a golfer ever starts his downswing. Most slices are caused when the player takes the club away inside the target line causing him to have to re-route the club over the top in order to hit the ball at the target. The over the top move of course creates a pull or a shot that starts left. That being the case your average player will hold the club open through impact turning the pull into a slice. If he doesn't he'll smother it or top it. If that's the case then moving ones right foot back a couple of inches might exacerbate the problem.

And the direction the ball moves or curves after it starts in a given direction is determined by the direction the clubface is pointing at impact. I guess ones release could play a factor in that but that's not a good way to look at that in my humble opinion. I think focusing on ones release can be a mistake. It's not baseball. In golf the release is a natural result that occurs when one properly swings the golf club. I never think about my release unless I was going to keep the clubface from closing on a knockdown or punch type of shot. Even then I think of it as just holding the face open or even keeping the toe from passing the heel of the club. I'd never think of releasing or holding my release.
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