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Old 05-20-2013, 09:17 PM   #3269
philfree philfree is offline
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Originally Posted by 'Hamas' Jenkins View Post
After several trips to the range to sort out some issues, I thought we could use this thread as a sort-of sounding board.

What is the biggest issue that gives you trouble with your swing?

I've always had issues with maintaining my spine angle. Consequently, I had to save too many shots with my hands and it often resulted in inconsistent, slightly thin contact. I've been working really hard on maintaining the angle of my spine on the downswing this spring. It's a tough sensation, because I feel cramped on the downswing, and my left foot wants to spin out to myself space to clear, but it works.
My feet went bad last June and I didn't hit a ball for 9 months. Last fall I went to the 'Foot Doctor' here in Springfield and for a small fee ($400.00) I got some custom orthotics. I thought they would help but only to an extent. I was wrong and they have helped me a 1000%. I'm golfing with no pain. Hell I can run around like a kid. As giddy as a school girl!

I haven't played enough to know what my swing trouble is at this point but I did play my first '18' in almost a year. I played alright. I had hit a few buckets and then played a few '9s' alone just getting shit together and then I played '9' keeping score all leading up to my round. I played alright. It seems with this Cleveland driver I can hit a huge hook though. I guess if I struggle it's not with mechanics so much as with tempo. I just have to swing slow and I seem to hit it pretty well.

So I guess my swing issue is tempo!
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