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Old 05-19-2013, 09:05 PM   #199
Ming the Merciless Ming the Merciless is offline
Emporer of Mongo
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Join Date: Apr 2010
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i get pissy sometimes but i mean look at this shit

im a chiefs fanin Niner country

been a chiefs fan since b4 the niners even had a ring

I've had to watch the niners fans around me for my life, live high on the hog

while i wallow in squalor

and i couldve just gone the easy way and been a niner fan

but no

i had to be different
2018 Adopt-A-Chief : Chris Conley

2017 Adopt-A-Chief : FRANK ZOMBO

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Posts: 46,148
Ming the Merciless is obviously part of the inner Circle.Ming the Merciless is obviously part of the inner Circle.Ming the Merciless is obviously part of the inner Circle.Ming the Merciless is obviously part of the inner Circle.Ming the Merciless is obviously part of the inner Circle.Ming the Merciless is obviously part of the inner Circle.Ming the Merciless is obviously part of the inner Circle.Ming the Merciless is obviously part of the inner Circle.Ming the Merciless is obviously part of the inner Circle.Ming the Merciless is obviously part of the inner Circle.Ming the Merciless is obviously part of the inner Circle.
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