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Old 05-12-2013, 07:25 AM   #5839
luv luv is offline
You think you can get by this?
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Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: Springfield, MO
Casino cash: $-920000
I'm an artist! JK Took my mom to an art painting class last night for Mother's Day. Here's my finished product. I don't think it' looks half bad.

My only regret is not signing it luv.
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Posts: 63,549
luv is obviously part of the inner Circle.luv is obviously part of the inner Circle.luv is obviously part of the inner Circle.luv is obviously part of the inner Circle.luv is obviously part of the inner Circle.luv is obviously part of the inner Circle.luv is obviously part of the inner Circle.luv is obviously part of the inner Circle.luv is obviously part of the inner Circle.luv is obviously part of the inner Circle.luv is obviously part of the inner Circle.