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Old 10-05-2012, 02:25 PM   #2110
luv luv is offline
You think you can get by this?
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Originally Posted by luv View Post

Anyone coming to the game that needs a place to tailgate can come to ours, and we'll have a banner watch party! If you want to donate, but don't have paypal or any other way of getting it to pr_capone, bring donations to the tailgate, and I'll make sure to get them to him.
Just bumping this post to say that, even though it looks like it could be the first cold"er" weather game of the season, I am super excited to see and try to film this thing!
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luv is obviously part of the inner Circle.luv is obviously part of the inner Circle.luv is obviously part of the inner Circle.luv is obviously part of the inner Circle.luv is obviously part of the inner Circle.luv is obviously part of the inner Circle.luv is obviously part of the inner Circle.luv is obviously part of the inner Circle.luv is obviously part of the inner Circle.luv is obviously part of the inner Circle.luv is obviously part of the inner Circle.
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