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Old 10-05-2012, 11:52 AM   #2057
Marcellus Marcellus is offline
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Originally Posted by Dayze View Post
this isn't like the Team has had records of 10-6, 11-5, etc over theh last few years with some playoff wins, and we're somehow over reacting. The "We Deserve Better' piece is exactly what it means. Chiefs as a whole have been riding the gravy train for 40+ years w/out facing any real harsh public backlash.

If they're (Chiefs and true fans) are this bent out of shape over critism of their team, then **** 'em.

It's like that bullshit after 9/11; "You're either with us, or against us" etc; or if you question the government you're not a Patriot. Critizing the team doesn't mean we're traitors

This team has sucked balls for decades, and people are really getting mad that we're flying a GD banner??
Get it straight its "we deserve better?".

That ? some people put on the end in some of the stories about this instead of the ! is exactly whats wrong with the people against this project.
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