Thread: Movies and TV Buffy the Vampire Slayer Marathon
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Old 09-03-2012, 06:58 PM   #9
Baby Lee Baby Lee is offline

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Originally Posted by lcarus View Post
I'm not trying to be insulting, but I always thought that show was meant for 13 year old girls. Though I don't know much about it. I liked the movie a long time ago.
Are you familiar with Jess Whedon? Dollhouse, Firefly, Dr. Horrible?

If Buffy is any one thing, it's meant for Whedon fans. He likes to mix and match genres, develop distinctive patter, and combine overarching storylines with enjoyable one-off episodes. You never know from week to week if you're getting a comedic romp, or a tearjerker, or a nail-biting horror story.

As said above, it takes him a while to find his groove, but when he finds it he hooks most viewers in for the long haul.
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Baby Lee is obviously part of the inner Circle.Baby Lee is obviously part of the inner Circle.Baby Lee is obviously part of the inner Circle.Baby Lee is obviously part of the inner Circle.Baby Lee is obviously part of the inner Circle.Baby Lee is obviously part of the inner Circle.Baby Lee is obviously part of the inner Circle.Baby Lee is obviously part of the inner Circle.Baby Lee is obviously part of the inner Circle.Baby Lee is obviously part of the inner Circle.Baby Lee is obviously part of the inner Circle.
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