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Old 03-20-2012, 10:00 PM   #15
duncan_idaho duncan_idaho is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2001
Location: Kansas City
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I would highly recommend:

Ender's Game (and ensuing sequels). Some of the best stuff I've ever read, as a few have noted.

The Dresden Files by Jim Butcher (the first two books are slow, but they are quick reads and if you get past them, the series REALLY pays off).

The first trilogy of S.M. Stirling's "Dies the Fire" series. Pretty cool post-apocalyptic stuff.
"You gotta love livin', cause dying is a pain in the ass."
---- Sinatra
Posts: 21,992
duncan_idaho is obviously part of the inner Circle.duncan_idaho is obviously part of the inner Circle.duncan_idaho is obviously part of the inner Circle.duncan_idaho is obviously part of the inner Circle.duncan_idaho is obviously part of the inner Circle.duncan_idaho is obviously part of the inner Circle.duncan_idaho is obviously part of the inner Circle.duncan_idaho is obviously part of the inner Circle.duncan_idaho is obviously part of the inner Circle.duncan_idaho is obviously part of the inner Circle.duncan_idaho is obviously part of the inner Circle.
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