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Old 01-07-2003, 11:43 PM   #8
PastorMikH PastorMikH is offline
Will KC ever be better?
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Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: Land of Red Dirt & Necks
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I get irritated at sales clerks that look down at you. A few years back, the Wife and I go into a Mall. She's wanting some perfume for Christmas so we head into the Penny's store. Now, I must regress here, I'm stuck in slacks, shirts, ties, etc enough. I was feeling like being comfortable, so we both were wearing jeans and nice sweatchirts. The stuff-shirted lady at the counter wouldn't wait on us. When we asked for help, she pulled out one bottle, not the stuff the wife asked for either, and then left us while she stood at the other end of the counter.

Finally, I said, loud enough for the lady to hear, "If they don't want to help us, we will go someplace else." Went down the mall to Dillards (quite a bit fancier than Pennys BTW) and the lady there was so courteous that we bought the bigger bottle of the perfume, some cologne for me, and a number of other things. Spent a good bit of money in there. The Penny's lady could have had that sale if her attitude had been different.

One more, Incedentily, another Pennys.

Wife bought me a dress shirt last fall while in Wichita, where they had a sale, buy one at full price get the second for a buck. So her and her mom slip the money and bought shirts for me and her dad. Problem was, mine didn't fit. So we went into the local Pennys store and looked around. Found a shirt that I liked, but I didn't have a tie or slacks to match, so we shoped around until we found both.

Went to the checkout and the cashier (told the wife just take the shirt up with the tags on it, and don't give them the reciept - she didn't listen), a younger lady in her teens gets obstinate with the wife. Says that she can only give my wife $1 for the shirt.

I walk up to the counter and ask what is going on. The cashier tells me that since my wife bought the shirt at a sale, she can only give us the sale price. I pointed out that the shirt was almost identical to the one we brought back, just a little bigger and a different color. She pointed out that the buttons were barely different. I pointed out that the shirt we picked up was the same price as the original shirt and they had the same sale going on - get second for $1. She wouldn't listen. So I spoke a little louder and said, "For a buck, I'll just take the shirt we brought in back home and use it for a rag. And since we aren't exchanging the shirt, I won't need this $50 pair of slacks or this $25 dollar tie."

Wasn't but a moment after I said this, the assistant manager dropped in, made an even swap on the shirts and helped us with the rest of the stuff.

Sales clerks can be so irritating!
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PastorMikH must have mowed badgirl's lawn.PastorMikH must have mowed badgirl's lawn.PastorMikH must have mowed badgirl's lawn.PastorMikH must have mowed badgirl's lawn.PastorMikH must have mowed badgirl's lawn.PastorMikH must have mowed badgirl's lawn.PastorMikH must have mowed badgirl's lawn.PastorMikH must have mowed badgirl's lawn.PastorMikH must have mowed badgirl's lawn.PastorMikH must have mowed badgirl's lawn.PastorMikH must have mowed badgirl's lawn.
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