Thread: Life Daylight Saving Time
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Old 11-05-2011, 10:36 PM   #3
cdcox cdcox is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2000
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Isn't this more of a friendly reminder, rather than a gentle reminder?

Friendly reminder -- for the benefit of the remindee

Gentle reminder -- for the benefit of the reminder, but you're not busting any ones balls over it, yet.
Posts: 46,007
cdcox is obviously part of the inner Circle.cdcox is obviously part of the inner Circle.cdcox is obviously part of the inner Circle.cdcox is obviously part of the inner Circle.cdcox is obviously part of the inner Circle.cdcox is obviously part of the inner Circle.cdcox is obviously part of the inner Circle.cdcox is obviously part of the inner Circle.cdcox is obviously part of the inner Circle.cdcox is obviously part of the inner Circle.cdcox is obviously part of the inner Circle.
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