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Old 10-27-2011, 02:05 PM   #7654
Rausch Rausch is offline
Mindful Taoist German
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Join Date: Aug 2000
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Originally Posted by Wickedson View Post
I post almost nightly in the Royals thread during the season. Thus I am a fan of The Boys in Blue.

But living in NY I follow the Yankees quite closely. The drama created around the team is very entertaining.

Does that answer your question or do you have an insult to throw my way?
Given the choice of following two $3itty baseball teams or taking advantage of the ability to sample new and great eats each and every day.

"He had no teeth, and he was slobbering all over himself. I'm thinking, 'You can have your money back, just get me out of here. Let me go be an accountant." I can't tell you how badly I wanted out of there."
Denver rookie QB John Elway, on Jack Lambert, after Lambert and the Steelers knocked Elway out of his first game as a pro (1983).
Originally Posted by rico
I wish I always ended up at gay bars.
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