Originally Posted by frazod
That pretty much sums it up, other to say that had I driven to Kansas City to watch that KU/MU game and Missouri lost, it would have easily been the darkest ****ing day of my life. I don't know how anybody can compare beating another fraud they have zero history with in an overhyped game that THEY ALL KNOW they didn't deserve to be in the first place, to beating your most hated rival in the biggest game they ever played against each other.
Whatever makes clowns like KCC and Wickedson happy, though. Personally, I'll take the W.
I would have taken the W too, but my comment is about giving perspective.
Bragging about Mizzou being a better football program than KU is like me coming to this forum and bragging that the Jays regularly win 80 games a season rather than the Royals' 65. Are Royals fans going to care? Hell no, they'd laugh.
There is no inferiority complex here, there's no reason for one.