10-11-2011, 11:11 AM
Join Date: Aug 2005
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Originally Posted by evenfall
The funniest thing here is the butthurt KU (or whomever) fans acting like "standing strong" in a deflated conference is a matter of morality, acting like if their school had a football team, they would not be entertaining this. If Kansas had a football team and the SEC would even entertain the notion they'd be doing the exact same thing, clammoring to switch to an elevator that is going upward.
Who knows what will happen, but the idea is not ridiculous. It sounds like Missouri's propensity to shoot themselves in the foot is the biggest obstacle here.
I just think the biggest laugh of all is rival fans acting like life in the Big 12 is great when they'd be doing the same dance if they had any options.
MU might screw this up yet, but come on.

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