Originally Posted by HolyHandgernade
Here's what I don't get about the article: he says we should be Tiger fans because MU is standing up for us, but doesn't list any of the issues that they are supposedly standing up for. What good fight are the Tigers fighting here? Maybe there are some, but all it looks like to me is that MU thinks it can get a better deal elsewhere, and as a KU, KSU or ISU fan, I'm supposed to say "you go boy!"? "Please leave so the conference takes another value hit so that we can potentially earn less in it."
Does that make sense to anyone?
Look, if MU wants to leave, more power to them. I just don't understand why I'm a fan of it. I haven't seen MU fans and their list of demands to "fix" the conference being opposed by Texas. All I see out of MU fans is a desire to get away from Texas. I can understand that, I just don't get why I'm a fan of that.
I don't think you're reading the article right. Mellinger isn't telling you to root for MU to get the best deal they can by leaving the conference. He's telling you to root for them to get whatever concessions they think are necessary from Texas to convince them that staying is the better option. The assumption is clearly that whatever those concessions are (and you're right that he's not very specific about them), they're the same things that KU, KSU, and ISU want but don't have the leverage to demand.
I'm OK with going to another conference, but I'd much rather see Big 12 reform that makes staying put the better option. For example, if Texas agreed to transform the Longhorn Network into a Big12 network with all revenue shared equally (admittedly an unlikely prospect), that would be a huge incentive for Mizzou to re-commit to the Big 12 and an enormously stabilizing development, IMO.