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Old 03-19-2011, 12:55 PM   #166
R8RFAN R8RFAN is offline
Molôn Labé
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Originally Posted by KurtCobain View Post
I don't understand why it would matter. It's the ****ing internet.
It don't really matter , but if a man has the balls to disrespect another man in the worst way he can by talking about his family, then he better be able to handle the onslaught that is headed his way...

I was on that boy like bees on a rotten apple and I just thank God he said it on the internet instead of on a sidewalk in front of a bar or something.

If you live by the sword you will die by it, he asked for everything he got and I don't give a damn who no longer likes me as a result....

Sometimes life is just like that.
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R8RFAN is obviously part of the inner Circle.R8RFAN is obviously part of the inner Circle.R8RFAN is obviously part of the inner Circle.R8RFAN is obviously part of the inner Circle.R8RFAN is obviously part of the inner Circle.R8RFAN is obviously part of the inner Circle.R8RFAN is obviously part of the inner Circle.R8RFAN is obviously part of the inner Circle.R8RFAN is obviously part of the inner Circle.R8RFAN is obviously part of the inner Circle.R8RFAN is obviously part of the inner Circle.
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