Thread: Chiefs Settling the blame game.
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Old 10-17-2010, 03:58 PM   #30
Ming the Merciless Ming the Merciless is offline
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Defense shit the bed.

If you score more than 30 points and have a big lead toward the end of the game, you have to blame the D.
Posts: 46,148
Ming the Merciless is obviously part of the inner Circle.Ming the Merciless is obviously part of the inner Circle.Ming the Merciless is obviously part of the inner Circle.Ming the Merciless is obviously part of the inner Circle.Ming the Merciless is obviously part of the inner Circle.Ming the Merciless is obviously part of the inner Circle.Ming the Merciless is obviously part of the inner Circle.Ming the Merciless is obviously part of the inner Circle.Ming the Merciless is obviously part of the inner Circle.Ming the Merciless is obviously part of the inner Circle.Ming the Merciless is obviously part of the inner Circle.
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