Thread: The Lurker 500
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Old 03-19-2008, 01:57 AM   #419
huskerdooz huskerdooz is offline
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Originally Posted by Iowanian View Post
What is this about?

Me scores 2 hits
-superficial damage to radio room
-superficial damage to pilot compartment

2 Mes circle, attack again

brent102fire fires, misses
hydrae fires, misses
braincase fires, misses
rednfeisty fires, misses

Both Mes miss, break off attack

Heavy Flak – 5 hits
-superficial damage to starboard wing
-port root damage to tail
-starboard root damage to tail
-superficial damage to tail

The fifth hit comes in. As a note, flak was fired from an 88-mm shell, which exploded at altitude to create shrapnel.

If you were unlucky, the shrapnel hit your plane.

If you were really unlucky, the 88-mm shell hit your plane.

If you were really, really unlucky, the 88-mm shell hit a fuel tank.

An 88-mm shell hits the port wing.

It explodes in the inboard fuel tank.

The fuel tank explodes.

The left wing shears off.
From memory, this was from some sort of text based game on the Planet about WW2. Planeteers made up bomber crews on B-17s or B-29s for bombing runs.

I'll see if I can locate details.
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