Thread: The Lurker 500
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Old 03-18-2008, 05:20 PM   #393
huskerdooz huskerdooz is offline
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Originally Posted by Iowanian View Post
The next question pertains to an incident involving a mini-mountain of discarded deciduous tree clorophyll conversion devices. How, according to Planet lore might one encourage misguided youth from driving through them? Which planeteer is responsible?
Didn't see if this had been answered or not

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Bwana put 3 giant logs and 5 metal fence posts in his pile of leaves to presumably "to give them weight" presumably "to keep the wind from blowing them away". When the punks in came back for a repeat performance, "There was a God awful noise as their car hit my leaf pile from hell. Nothing like the sound of the underside of a vehicle making contact with steel and large wood logs. It shot logs and steel posts about 40 feet. The punks kept going. I would bet thats the last time the little bastages mess with someones leaf pile."
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