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Old 10-20-2005, 07:19 AM   #15
philfree philfree is offline
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Originally Posted by BigRedChief
No, he's not a super fan. Have you ever met the dude? These guys spend their time going to Childrens Mercy hospital, charity events being around kids. I don't think I've ever seen the dude when he wasn't drunk. Not that Lynn, Stevieray etc are angels or don't get drunk theirselfs but they do present theirselfs in a positive fashion when they are in public.

The anti-belly boy
I've never met Belly Boy but it was really meant in jest. I voted for FDE FWIW.

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philfree has enough rep power to blowy ou to bits.philfree has enough rep power to blowy ou to bits.philfree has enough rep power to blowy ou to bits.philfree has enough rep power to blowy ou to bits.philfree has enough rep power to blowy ou to bits.philfree has enough rep power to blowy ou to bits.philfree has enough rep power to blowy ou to bits.philfree has enough rep power to blowy ou to bits.philfree has enough rep power to blowy ou to bits.philfree has enough rep power to blowy ou to bits.philfree has enough rep power to blowy ou to bits.
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