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Old 01-09-2005, 12:08 AM   #75
ChiTown ChiTown is offline
Stroking to the SB Champs!
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Join Date: Aug 2000
Location: Flatlands of Kansas
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Originally Posted by KCJohnny
You and Michael Moore can join Oliver Stoned as true defendersof the republic.

I've been there. You are just a bunch of digital keys posting blather on the www because you can....
Hey, thanks for serving our Country and all - I appreciate it.

Digital Key Posting Blatherer

PS - Why don't you make yourself useful and fix me a turkey pot pie, bitch.........
Posts: 40,759
ChiTown is obviously part of the inner Circle.ChiTown is obviously part of the inner Circle.ChiTown is obviously part of the inner Circle.ChiTown is obviously part of the inner Circle.ChiTown is obviously part of the inner Circle.ChiTown is obviously part of the inner Circle.ChiTown is obviously part of the inner Circle.ChiTown is obviously part of the inner Circle.ChiTown is obviously part of the inner Circle.ChiTown is obviously part of the inner Circle.ChiTown is obviously part of the inner Circle.
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