I feel better, and I feel the floor is higher. I'm not as convinced by Kingsley as most, but I kinda feel we get average from, if not him, then Morris or Nourzad at LG.
Saw Matt Lane wetting his knickers about Moore not being a great fit. Meh, sure, there's a non-zero chance he also sucks, but he absolutely is better than what we had, and he should give us more in the running game. I think that's more important than we might expect.
I guess ideally I'd have kept Thuney over Smith, even at his age, but I get it. I'd also ideally like an upgrade over Morris as swing/backup. Even DJ coming back, though I'm not sure that's now likely.
We should be better, possibly inching back to average on that left side. Would love Mahomes to have elite OTs, but it is what it is, I think that's all we need to be.