Thread: Life Daylight Saving Time
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Old 03-10-2025, 01:15 PM   #60
displacedinMN displacedinMN is offline
In Search of a Life
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Talking to a teacher today---she said some HS kids had no idea there was DST. When they woke up, the clock was changed. and they started their day.

Kids use the phone for everything. So if it said 12:30 to get up, it was time to get up.
nothing was really different.

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displacedinMN is obviously part of the inner Circle.displacedinMN is obviously part of the inner Circle.displacedinMN is obviously part of the inner Circle.displacedinMN is obviously part of the inner Circle.displacedinMN is obviously part of the inner Circle.displacedinMN is obviously part of the inner Circle.displacedinMN is obviously part of the inner Circle.displacedinMN is obviously part of the inner Circle.displacedinMN is obviously part of the inner Circle.displacedinMN is obviously part of the inner Circle.displacedinMN is obviously part of the inner Circle.
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