Originally Posted by Smed1065
I am the same situation with my Dad. I refuse to put him in a home tho. I watched my Mom die but better than a home. My granny was in 1 and no way!
It's a double-edged sword. OTOH, caring for somebody in that condition just gets worse and worse and worse, especially if you're still working, have other responsibilities, and have little in the way of support. But then, nursing homes are horrible. My maternal grandmother, who I was closer to that anybody else in my family, had dementia and died in a nursing home. I lived in another state, had a litany of my own personal issues, and was only able to visit occasionally. The last time I saw her she was so far gone that she didn't know who I was, who she was, or anything else, and just sat there playing with a doll and making baby sounds. It was awful. She was basically already dead, except her body didn't get the memo. Afterward, I sat in my car in the parking lot and cried like a little girl. Never could bring myself to see her again.
Good luck with what you're undertaking and may God grant you strength to see it through to the end. I'll never have to go through anything like that, as my parents are both long gone. As for me, I hope I go the way my dad did; massive heart attack, was dead before he hit the ground. Best way possible.