Originally Posted by htismaqe
I haven't played them and thanks to you guys, now I know I haven't missed anything. 
Blend 70% Tomb Raider with 10% Prince of Persia, and throw in 20% Star Wars and that's your formula.
You will regularly hit snags in progression, requiring you to scour the entire immediate area to try to figure out what you're supposed to do.
Ok, wall/door blocked. How do I break this? Ahh. Early on, I used a roller mine enemy to break one of these.
*runs a few hundred yards away from puzzle*
Hmm. Don't see anything. That blown out dead end factory looks interesting though.....
Off in the back corner there's a terminal to hack, and it spawns a roller mine.
Ah. Ok. So now, we just make this thing chase us a few hundred yards then we can use it to destroy the barrier, just to get to the next area.
**** off.
This is one of the more simple solutions. It can get pretty ridiculous with side quests, yanking orbs on walls that activate timers that have to be activated in a specific order, all while point launching and jumping in a mad dash to navigate the puzzle before the path resets and the orb is blocked and you get to start all over.
The only saving grace is that Respawn KNOWS that it sucks, and so falls don't kill you and send you back to your last meditation point. They put you right back where you fell from.
Like, when I think Star Wars, this just isn't what I want to be doing.
The setpieces and boss battles are phenomenal, I mean, just imagine if they focused on providing more of that instead of wasting all those hours designing the most annoying ****ing playspace and worst possible map you can imagine.
Check the comment section of any walk-through for these games, and it's a literal hate rape of the game design being so poor.
Like, are there really people out there that get excited for open world puzzles? I've literally never seen one of these and thought oh **** yeah here we go boys!