Originally Posted by Mosbonian
So, on Monday I head back for my first follow up with my Cardiologist. What I am told is at that appointment he will then refer me to the Cardiac Rehab group to start my rehab with them.
Has anyone ever done Cardiac Rehab and have some insight into what rehab programs they will probably utilize? I am sure it has a lot to do with getting my heart back in shape and will probably entail some exercises to get my strength back. In addition I am sure they will probably have a diet regimen I will need to follow as strictly as possible ( am guessing no more of the sweets that I rarely ate anyway).
But would appreciate any insight anyone can give me on what I can expect.
Issues related to the heart recover very slowly and take time.
Do what they tell you. I don't know what a perfect recovery is but I had two relatives who did not follow the guidelines and did not follow the diet and did not do all the rehab and both permanently lost the ability to function normally as they had pre-0p.
I don't know what procedure you had - how serious, how little - but make yourself do the hard work. Do it. Change diet if that is required. The two people I knew were permanently at about 60% of normal for the rest of their lives. My grandfather died 4 years later and never got back to 50% of what he once was. My grandfather was a guy at 72 who would "mow the grass for old people." 90 degree temps that old man was in a hat and jeans cutting the grass of people 5 years younger than him.
Had either a double or triple done and never got back. He was already old, part of that may just be healing, may just be age, but he was stubborn and couldn't even walk a block after that. Huge life difference.
You aren't old yet. Don't do stupid old man things.