Originally Posted by Frazod
The ironic thing is that the '84 movie doesn't butcher the book anywhere near as bad as the new one does. It was poorly made, poorly directed, had terrible special effects, had miscast/bad actors in crucial roles, and threw in some stupid shit, but overall it stuck to the story fairly well.
I actually think more highly of the '84 movie after seeing the latest one. THAT'S HOW MUCH I HATED IT.
There's a thread in the Media forum where I discuss at length why Dune Part 2 sucks every dick in the universe. I really don't want to relive that here anymore than I already have.
I’ve never read the books so that would make sense. I thought it was incredibly directed with musical scores and everything, but yeah that would be frustrating if it veers way too far off course.
Have you watched the Max prophecy show? I’ve found it incredibly boring but imagine it’s much closer to the books.