Originally Posted by big nasty kcnut
First no car second I tried the looking for a job thing I was turned down by a lot of places i applyed at home depot told we will find a place here for you a few weeks later well you going to have to apply again. plus when they see my hands shaking they tend to freak out about it. I can't type over 25 wpm because computer jobs your expected to type that fast Also unemployment benifit i can't get to them because phone lines busy when i call them and going online the unemployment site is down.
Originally Posted by big nasty kcnut
i wish to god i didn't have this disease cerebral palsy is the bane of my existence Yet people think I'm lazy yet who going outside in the extreme cold to clean the smokehole who out in the heat collecting carts it's me. I have to pay for it by getting sick from pain pains, gallbladder, kidney stone, ibs yet everybody ignores me or won't even give me a promotion or raise. I try to be the hard worker but i'm tired of dealing woth those people.
I wasn't aware of all of this. Done. Good luck.