Originally Posted by Hammock Parties
Because TES is their baby. They're not gonna **** this up.
And no way Oblivion was better than Skyrim 
Skyrim has certainly been crammed down the throats of TES fans over the past decade. They've re released the ****er over 4 consoles.
I've played through Skyrim multiple times since 2011, but I can still rattle off the top of my head more experiences from Oblivion that were memorable than Skyrim.
Unless of course we're talking about the super fun instances of hours of your progress being lost because the game decided to spawn a ****ing dragon just outside Riverwood, killing all of the villagers and ruining the best
place to sell your loot. I probably won't ever forget that bullshit.
I think the main joy I ever got out of Skyrim was that it crushed an annoying co worker I had at the time who was the biggest PS3 ball gargler you could find. Then lo and behold, this 600 dollar shitbox simply could not run the game he was so pumped about correctly. Crushing framerate issues, gameplay issues, dead dragon skeletons spawning and flying around upside down, until the memory leak persisted so long that the game would do nothing but crash on startup.
Caught this little asshole playing Skyrim on one of the demo 360 units. Ah. It was beautiful.