Originally Posted by Imon Yourside
For sure, I still remember Daggerfall back in the 90's, what a total buggy mess that was. I bought a house then got stuck on the staircase in it and had to start my save over. Also remember a year after it's release a patch for the game that fixed a ton of the issues killed everyones save game. Way better now than it ever was but people remember the glory days differently.
Daggerfall was before my time - the first Bethesda game I played was Morrowind. I was late to that one as well, since I don't really remember any issues with it, but I didn't really care for it that much and never finished it. But after that, starting with Oblivion, I played and enjoyed them all, particularly Skyrim. Hell, I started another round of Starfield after that abortion of a Super Bowl. Needed something to take my mind off that shit.