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Old 02-25-2025, 03:32 PM   #141
nychief nychief is offline
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I don't know why this is news, of course he is going to try and keep Trey Smith.. or at the very least SAY he is going to try and keep him (although I believe him).

Veech has done the same with Reek, Jones, Sneed et al. He's never come out and said "welp, bye" to top free agent.

This might all be posturing and nothing means anything till FA actually opens, but I thought BV was being perfunctory.
Good Time Charlie, Uncle Doobie and the Great Frisco Freakout.
Posts: 8,075
nychief would the whole thing.nychief would the whole thing.nychief would the whole thing.nychief would the whole thing.nychief would the whole thing.nychief would the whole thing.nychief would the whole thing.nychief would the whole thing.nychief would the whole thing.nychief would the whole thing.nychief would the whole thing.
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