Thread: Movies and TV Star Wars: Andor
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Old 02-24-2025, 11:58 PM   #348
DJ's left nut DJ's left nut is online now
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Originally Posted by BigRedChief View Post
I think why Andor worked was focusing on the people. Not X-wings and death stars but the people/species living in this universe.

That's what Mandolrian worked, we cared about the people, we got their back story and future plans etc.
Nah -- that's not it.

Because Obi Wan was about 'the people' and sucked all kinds of horrific ass. Ahsoka was very much character driven and also bad.

Many of Mandolorian's best moments ARE about X-Wings and light sabers.

It's both simpler and less complicated than that. It's not just that they wrote a story around characters -- they wrote a story about compelling characters and had even the secondary and tertiary parts played by excellent performers giving us complex and developed characters.
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