Thread: Movies and TV Must Watch Series
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Old 02-24-2025, 06:29 PM   #2934
htismaqe htismaqe is offline
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Originally Posted by DJ's left nut View Post
I dislike Noor because she does all this crap without even consulting her family then blames everyone else when it all (Predictably) goes to shit. And that she blackmailed the US and put thousands of lives at risk because she didn't want her brother to do what he'd known he was going to have to do his entire life and seemingly had no compunction doing.
Hey I get it. It's a classic paradox. That's the whole point. Entertainment would be bland if all characters were one-sided.

People are flawed. Nobody is all good or all bad.
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htismaqe is obviously part of the inner Circle.htismaqe is obviously part of the inner Circle.htismaqe is obviously part of the inner Circle.htismaqe is obviously part of the inner Circle.htismaqe is obviously part of the inner Circle.htismaqe is obviously part of the inner Circle.htismaqe is obviously part of the inner Circle.htismaqe is obviously part of the inner Circle.htismaqe is obviously part of the inner Circle.htismaqe is obviously part of the inner Circle.htismaqe is obviously part of the inner Circle.
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